On Thu, 24 Jul 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> << Thus [Ace]4  could  be
> > used  for  [A4c4e4].   >>

> Heavy ABC User* cries plaintively:
> Could we at least get this one in and worry about the "chords containing
> different note lengths" (can't recall when I've run across this) at some
> other time?

I've added the following to the upcomming revision of
the draft standard. Please let me know if it is

All the notes within a chord should have the same
length. More complicated chords can be transcribed with
the & operator, see section Voice overlay.

The chord forms a syntactic grouping, to which the same
prefixes and postfixes can be attached as to an
ordinary note, except for accidentals. In particular,
the following notation is legal:

( "^I".[CEG]- > [CEG] "^IV" [F=AC]3/2"^V"[GBD]/  H[CEG]2 )

When both inside and outside the chord length modifiers
are used, they should be multiplied. I.e. [C2E2G2]3 has
the same meaning as [CEG]6.

 Irwin Oppenheim

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