John Walsh writes:
|       On the subject of bangs and stars for linebreaks and
| decorations...I haven't been following it closely, and now I admit to
| being a bit puzzled as to the status of what's being decided. It
| seems to me that using ! for both a hard linebreak and for ! ... ! in the
| same tune is asking for trouble.  Using spaces to help distinguish them
| (did I see that suggested?) will lead to really frustrated users who can't
| understand why abc refuses to behave as they expect

What seems to have happened is that I and a few  others  pointed  out
that  we  don't  really have a serious problem with the two uses of !
right now, because a simple heuristic can tell which meaning was used
in  a  tune.   But  some people misinterpreted this to mean that both
could be legal in the standard language.  But using both in a  single
tune is a parsing disaster.

This sort of situation arises in software standardization efforts all
the  time.  Vendors X, Y and Z implement the standard, with their own
favorite extensions.  Each extension is fine on its own, and it's not
difficult  for  software  to  distinguish them (especially if there's
some sort of id to test).  But they can't all be implemented  in  the
same software for some reason.

In such cases, it's normal for X, Y and Z (and  their  customers)  to
dig  in  their  heels and insist that the standard follow their lead.
The standard committee (or voting population) eventually has to  just
shrug  and make a decision.  That decision might be to not add any of
the extensions to the standard.  More often, a scheme is  worked  out
that  forces  one  or more of the vendors to revise their software if
they want to be able to claim standard compliant.

In our case, one use of ! was  implemented,  but  nobody  except  the
users  of one tool was aware of it.  Even after I noticed the funny !
char in some tunes, it took me a couple of years to discover what  it
meant, since the tunes made sense if I just ignored it.  Then another
(very public) discussion of annotaions started,  and  the  suggestion
came up to use ! as a quote char, because it wasn't being used in abc
yet. As far as most of us knew, it was unused, and was available.  So
several  other  important  abc  tools  started  recognizing the !...!
construct, and it became a de-facto extension to the language.

We could change all those programs to use a different delimiter,  and
edit all the abc that uses !...! to use the new delimiter.  Or we can
ignore the conflict, and make  !...!  the  standard.   This  wouldn't
actually  be all that bad an idea, because the simple heuristic still

The one thing that really won't work is permitting both in one tune.

It's likely that abc2win won't be changed to match any new  standard,
as  it  wasn't changed to match the 1.6 "standard".  But this doesn't
make that much difference, as we'll just need some bits  of  code  to
spot  the  abc2win  !  and  ignore  it.  And if Jim decides to update
abc2win, or passes the code to someone else, we can strongly  suggest
that it be updated to the standard.

My feeling is that the active developers shouldn't be held back by  a
popular  but obsolete program that isn't being maintained.  This is a
"slippery slope", as the media calls it, and will  just  invite  more
such  problems  in  the future.  The practical approach is to add the
!...! notation to the standard, accept that there  are  old  programs
that  aren't  compatible  with  this and other minor points, and note
that there's a simple workaround in this case.

For that matter, we have lots of other  "standard"  features  of  abc
that aren't implemented by some programs. And cases like continuation
that are done differently by different programs.  It's not that big a
deal.  We can just decide what the standard should be, and use social
pressure to try to get programs up to date.  Or not.

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