Launch Terminal (which is where abcm2ps "lives" unless you have some program
with a GUI that can export to it; BarFly is supposed to do this in a future
version).  If you do a "which" command, you will find it in a fairly
standard place.  (BTW, "%" is given here as a generic Unix prompt.)

% which abcm2ps

Now change directory (cd) to where the abc file lives.  If it is in the your
user folder, you are already there.  If the file is called "" and
is in your desktop,

% cd ~/Desktop
% abcm2ps

Or more verbosely

% /usr/local/bin/abcm2ps ~/Desktop/

You should get a postscript file named "" in the same directory as the
input file.

BTW, the version you're using is the so-called "standard" version.  Download
the more featured "development" release at:
I made this same mistake and found that most of the cool features (ones I
needed too) are not implemented.

Phil Taylor turned me on to MacGhostView, a Carbon implememntation of
GSView, which includes a copy of a GUI Postscript to PDF interface called
Macps2pdf.  acGhostview is $20 shareware, but the Macps2pdf which comes with
it appears to be free, and works pretty cleanly.  You might have to sort the
folder that it comes in since it ends up way at the bottom out of sight.


on 8/14/03 7:36 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I need a little help.
> I have just gone ahead and downloaded abcm2ps-2.11.3.pkg for
> MacOSX from the sourceforge page, and after unstuffing it, I
> launched the installer. It seemed to operate appropriately (I have
> OS 10.2.6) but after it reports that the installation was
> successful, I cannot find the application anywhere on my hard
> disk. I have now run the installer twice with the same results.


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