On Wed, 20 Aug 2003 10:25:58 -0500, Don Whitener <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>I've been tinkering around a bit with a format file for Abcm2ps...
>I am looking for a way to change the font size of the measure numbers, and 
>I can't seem to find a way to do this.  Can this font size be changed, or 
>am I just overlooking something?

You could change it overloading the postscript functions 'end1' and
'end2'. In the release 3.7.3, I added '%%repeatfont' for that.

>Also, while I'm asking, is there a way to change the font of the 
>decorations or expressions?  If so, this is eluding me as well.

Most decorations are drawn by postscript functions which may be
overloaded. For instance, expressions may be changed putting the

        %%postscript /pf{/Times-Italic 20 selectfont 5 add M cshow}!

in the tune header.

Ken ar c'hentañ |             ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
                |               http://moinejf.free.fr/
Pépé Jef        |               mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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