John Walsh wrote:
I've been looking over Barry Say's proposal, and it seems to me
that it fits in well with the existing abc, and opens up a couple of new
possibilities. As an example, it strikes me that one could be ambitious
with the text (t:) field, and use it to construct documents which mix
staff-music and text. In particular, one could embed little staff-music
illustrations in a text document.

In abcm2ps (and maybe in other applications too) this is already possible to a lesser extent. You can embed text in an abc file. Of course, this solution is abc-centric. The text formatting options are rather limited. You can set font face and size, etc. but no hyphenation, justification, and other fancy stuff.

The other possibility is a tool like lilypond-book. This tool allows you to embed Lilypond code in a LaTeX document. The lilypond-book tool can then be used as a preprocessor that generates something LaTeX can handle (tunes are converted to EPS, IIRC). This combines both the full power of LaTeX document typesetting and Lilypond music engraving.

Is it necessary to add something to the standard at all? An application can provide the functionality Barry suggests, so I see no need for any change. Or am I wrong once again?

        Just a possibility---after all, why shouldn't abc take over
the world?

I, for one, welcome our new ABC overlords... ;-)

Bert Van Vreckem                 <>
Not all chemicals are bad. Without chemicals such as hydrogen and
oxygen, for example, there would be no way to make water, a vital
ingredient in beer.                                 -- Dave Barry

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