I recently updated folkinfo.org to use v 3.7.16. It's been reported to me
that things are not setting the same as the previous version I used.  The
example I was given is "The Fox". At http://www.folkinfo.org/temp/fox.pdf we
have the original 4 page version form the combined older abcm2ps/ghostscript
conversion and at http://www.folkinfo.org/temp/fox1.pdf we have the new 2
page version which happened when I updated the version of abcm2ps. I prefer
this one in many ways but the top of page 2 at least looks unaceptably high.
Any ideas why this changed?

Also, it's been suggested to me that we should allow a user to set a page
size (just the A4 vs American Letter one) as a preference. Would I just need
to set abcm2ps for this pdf or also ghostscript. And for the abcm2ps side,
could someone explain how.  On the documentation we have for example:

pageheight <unit>
Compilation: PAGEHEIGHT= (A4: 29.7cm - US: 11in)
Command line: none
Set the page height to <unit>.

I'm not really clear how <unit> should be entered in an abc. eg. does it
take A4, does it work on one measurment system, or do I need perhaps to
specify "cm" on "in" after the numbers, etc.

Thanks for any help,


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