Hrm.. I had gotten the impression that he'd kindof gone underground where this list is concerned.. I'm not sure why I had that impression.. Thank.. I'll try that.

Gary Sibio wrote:

At 12:56 PM 12/18/2003, you wrote:

2. Does anyone know if Jim Vint might be willing to release the source for ABC2Win to someone who would like to update it to handle long filenames introduced in Win95 w/o reverting to the 8.3 namespace? Maybe with a few caveats as to what or how things may be changed.... I.e., so that any trust issues are satisfied. I love my ABC2Win, but I'd like this one thing updated, and I know no further update is being done or is planned to be done.(or at least I think I know that *grin*)

Why don't you ask Jim Vint? Whenever I've asked him a question, he's always answered in a few hours.

Gary J Sibio

You know you're having a bad day when Elton John rewrites the lyrics to "Candle in the Wind" for you.

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