Jon Freeman writes:
| From: "John Chambers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| > Actually, if you look at music  published  in  the  US,  you'll  have
| > trouble  finding any that is printed on the 8.5x11-inch "letter" size
| > paper. Music is usually printed on larger pages. The most common size
| > is  9x12  inches, but there are many other sizes.  It's impossible to
| > make a shelf of printed music look neat  and  orderly.   There  is  a
| > common  conspiracy  theory  that  this  done to make it difficult for
| > people to copy the music.  But these sizes long predate the advent of
| > copiers, so that theory doesn't really explain the mess.
| OK, so I've not long back changed folkinfo to at least enable those who
| premit cookies to select a preference between letter and A4 for printing pdf
| files from the site. Should I also consider allowing 9 x 12 as a paper size
| or is that pretty much reserved for publications?  I only know the UK
| situation where you would expect everyone to have A4 for thier printer.

Here in the US, most people have only "letter" 8.5x11-inch  paper  at
home,  because  that's  mostly  what  is sold in retail office-supply
stores.  All the small copiers that I've ever seen will accept larger
paper, but you have to special-order 9x12 paper.

The most practical approach for software would be to  give  people  a
choice  of  at  least A4 and "US letter" pages, and have some way for
the software to remember this.  Even better would be  to  let  people
give the actual size of the paper in both cm and inches, with the two
common sizes selectable by a button or an "A4/letter" option of  some

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