Richard Robinson wrote:

There's a Debian package. I'm using stable, but it probably hasn't
changed. If that's the problem,

That wasn't the problem. The debian package was (of course) one of the first things I installed.

Thinks some more ... have a look in the abc2mtex header.tex - there
are conditionals for musictex and musixtex. musixtex does better
justification across the page (anyone remember seeing asterisks at
the end of ABC lines ? They caused justification when using the (older)
musictex). So you may need to comment out the right blocks - musicnft
seems be called from the musictex stuff.

Ok, that makes sense. Now musixtex eats a bit more, but then chokes:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] abc2mtex]$ musixtex music.tex
This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (Web2C 7.4.5)
(./music.tex (/usr/share/texmf/tex/musixtex/abc2mtex/header.tex
MusiXTeX(c) T.112 <3 Jan. 2003>
********** Test ***************************************************************
! Undefined control sequence.
l.17 \normal

Seems that something fundamental is broken, right? One clue could be to figure out why the ifs in header.tex go wrong. My knowledge of tex is virtually nonexisting, but based on the following (from header.tex)

\if Y\abcmusix% MusiXTeX version

it seems that there's some variable by the name of \abcmusix that should have been true, but isn't set.

Anyways I'm not sure this is even the right list to go on with this, but I'd like to know three things:

1) does the print quality of musixtex make it worth persuing?

2) how maintained/unmaintained and used/unused is musixtex anyways?

3) where do I go for more info (including installation instructions and a community) if I decide to dig deeper into musixtex?

peace, love & harmony

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