Title: Message



Thanks for all your comments about TunePal. I really appreciate the detail you are going into. I am Easter break for the next two weeks and although I have some college work to look after, I should have plenty of time to work on TunePal. All your feedback is valuable and appreciated.


Can you possibly send me the tune file that generated the weird error messages?


Yes I am a T’ai Chi head. I have been practicing for about 7 years. I went to classes with a very good teacher for about 5 years, but he left Dublin to go and live in Kerry. We were 2/3 through the long form (we did the short form for years) and that is what I do now myself a few times a week. I must say, I find it very beneficial for my mood, energy level and overall state of mind. I’ll check out the site you sent me.


What type of music do you play?




Bryan Duggan.

School of Computing,

DIT Kevin St.,

Dublin 8


Phone: + 353 1 4024682


Web: http://www.comp.dit.ie/bduggan 


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Rhod Evans
Sent: 03 April 2004 09:51
Subject: RE: [abcusers] TunePal for Pocket PC


Hello again Bryan

Just went to your website to have a look at the TunePal stuff and noticed that you are also a proponent of Tai Chi.  By coincidence I also study Tai Chi, though I'm a relative beginner (we're half way through the long form so far).  The 'style' is called 'Taoist'.  If you're interested have a look at www.taoist.org.  Yes, even in the Outer Hebrides it's possible to have Tai Chi lessons.


Still testing TunePal....




-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bryan Duggan
Sent: 02 April 2004 17:27
Subject: [abcusers] TunePal for Pocket PC

Hi there,


I have completed the first official (Beta) release of TunePal for the Pocket PC. TunePal is a player for ABC file that runs on the likes of the Dell Axim or the Compaq iPaq. The program has been completely rewritten in C and so it’s very fast at loading tune files and searching files. Some features it supports are:


Plays tunes in any major, minor, mixlodian, dorian key.

Sharps flats and naturals





Real time speed and volume adjustment

Transposing tunes.

Playing subsections of a tune

Super fast recursive searching for a tune in multiple tune files (Henrik Norbeck's tunes can be searched in about a second).

Sorting by index, title, alt title and composer


Now you can carry your entire tune archive around in your pocket for easy access at sessions!


The program is Beta standard and has not been extensively tested. I am sure there are bugs and definitely features of the ABC format it doesn’t support. Please back up your machine before you install.


I welcome comments and feedback. I would be especially interested in receiving files that the program will not play correctly, so that I can enhance the program.


You can view screen shots and find more information here:




It can be downloaded here:








Bryan Duggan.

School of Computing,

DIT Kevin St.,

Dublin 8


Phone: + 353 1 4024682


Web: http://www.comp.dit.ie/bduggan 


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