From: "John Chambers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> In fact, I've seen ABC embedded in HTML by using  the  <pre>...</pre>
> tags,  and  then putting <br> at the end of each line.  The <pre> tag
> means to preserve whitespace (including CR  and  LF)  exactly,  while
> processing  tags  in the data.  The <br> tag means to generate a line
> separator.  So such text is explicitly double spaced.  The writer may
> not have understood this, but software on the receiving end can't yet
> read the sender's mind.

Must admit I could have abc in threads that does that, not that we get many
abc submissions to threads. I just work on the princple that every CR/LF
thingy from a text edit box means a new line and don't bother checking
incase <pre> is used - a <br> is exchanged regardless of whether or not it
sits within a pre tag.

Cases where that would affect abc are rare though as mostly a supplied abc
gets put into the song database to go with a song and I regard what gets
posted to a thread in the main as a means of a) visual communication and b)
mostly as material to go with a song. Similarly, if a correction was needed
to the abc, the song db would reflect that but info put in a thread for use
would not get updated.


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