
First off, thanks for a great program!! Hats off to you!

On Thu, 22 Jul 2004, Jean-Francois Moine wrote:

On Tue, 20 Jul 2004 21:33:13 -0700, "Andrew T. Lenz, Jr."
Hello everyone!

Hello Andrew,

PROBLEM: triplets in the first line. The first one works fine, that is,
it places a "3" above the arch, the second, however, the "3" appears
over the ef gracenotes! (Seems buggy to me.)

We don't want the number UNDER the triplets.

Is there a better way of getting numbers over the triplets?

Odd: your example works fine with both 3.7.18 and 4.6.5. Otherwise, actually, you cannot force the the tuplet numbers to go above the notes. Some day, I will add an other tuplet option...

I have to apologize. I still had 3.7.9 installed. I must be getting old. I thought I had downloaded 3.7.18, but must have skipped that step. Oops. I imagine it should work correctly with 3.7.18.

PROBLEM: Bar linking 1/16th notes is split.
In other words, BarFly draws all four notes with a double line (1/16) in
the backbone of the beam, and draws an extra line between the middle two
notes to indicate that they're 1/32.  abcm2ps draws a single line
through all four, a double line for the outer pairs and two little flags
pointing outwards on the middle notes.

Is there a way to get abcm2ps to do it the Barfly way, which we think is
more readable?

As there is no ABC indication for beaming, each programmer codes the best she thinks. In this case, I had remarks saying that, as the tempo is binary, beaming should stop on binary borders (this not easy to do, and not fully solved yet..).

If you don't like it, with the versions 4.x.x you may disable beam
breaking using:

%%halfbeam 0

Any chance of an appearance like that of Barfly's screen display? Maybe as Ewan said, a %%centerbeam option? Or maybe that's what you are eluding to above.

| "^2nd Time 2nd Part" {g}f2 {g}ef {g}fA{g}df |
PROBLEM: The added text "2nd Time 2nd Part" doesn't appear in the
generated Postscript file. I'm pretty sure this is supposed to be
supported by abcm2ps, but maybe I'm wrong.

This is a bug in the 3.x.x versions: the annotations go to the grace note instead of to the main note. To make it work, place the grace note before the annotation:

        | {g} "^2nd Time 2nd Part" f2 {g}ef {g}fA{g}df |

This is fixed in the 4.x.x versions.

I'll give that a shot, should get around the problem.

Given a series of three gracenotes, is it possible to make the center
gracenote be appear as a 16th note instead of the standard 32nd?

Yes: '{ab2c}'.

Thank you for implementing that.


Andrew T. Lenz, Jr.
Santa Cruz, California
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