On Fri, 23 Jul 2004 11:07:04 +0100, Stephen Kellett
> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Geoffrey Loker
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
> >> >If left up to Sonny Bono and the RIAA there would be no
> >> >public domain.
> <Excellent rant about copyright>
> ....and of course you have to remember that this comes from the "Land of
> the free".

Two pieces of copyright information for you fun and enlightenment.

Apparently, in Britain, Elvis Presley's recording of "It's All Right"
is soon going to slip into the public domain.  Guess what Superpower
country is trying to pressure Britain into "fixing" their copyright
laws so that this sort of thing doesn't happen.

Guess what Superpower country is currently negotiating a free trade
agreement with Australia (that lovely land where everyone walks around
upside down), and is pressuring the Parliament there to "fix" their
copyright laws to fall in line with American copyright laws.  Plus
they want the new Australian copyright laws to be retroactive.  Plus
they want the new Australian copyright laws to automatically change if
the American copyright laws change.

Fun, eh?

"Land of the free"?  Only if you can afford to pay for it...

Geoff Loker
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