> I'm wondering what you're trying to do that might require multiple 
> inheritance.

I've been thinking for a few weeks about importers, particularly w.r.t.
XML, e.g.:

class ABI_EXPORT IE_Imp_XML : public IE_Imp
class ABI_EXPORT IE_Imp_XHTML : public IE_Imp_XML

thinking that XML import really ought to be more fundamental, so that

class ABI_EXPORT IE_Imp_XML : public IE_Imp, UT_XML

if that's the correct syntax.

If it's just old versions of G++ that have problems with multiple
inheritance, is it worth consigning that piece of folklore to the
fairy-tale books as a story to frighten our children with?

"Once upon a time, there lived in the forest an ugly little compiler
whom all the other compilers used to make fun of. 'Single inheritant!
Single inheritant!' they used to taunt and jeer before running off into
the forest to help the woodcutters who were chopping down all the trees
because in those days books were made out of paper and libraries needed
many books.

"But then one day, the ugly little compiler metamorphosed into a
beautiful white swan and -"

Oh, wait. That's something else.
Confused, Frank

Francis James Franklin

Deep in the human unconsciousness is a pervasive need for a logical
universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step
beyond logic.
          --- from `The Sayings of Muad'dib' by the Princess Irulan

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