i thought v1.0 was going to be built as a full proper official release
with Official Abisource Artwork and all.  Or was that just wishful


PS a bug for a mascot, cute as the cartoon may be i still think its an
incredibly dubious association.

On Thu, 21 Feb 2002, Michael D. Pritchett wrote:

> On Thu, 21 Feb 2002, Phil Jones wrote:
> > Hello all
> >
> > How about having a choice of whether Abi the Ant appears in Abiword? If yes, then 
>the character is shown; if not, the current 'plain' look is employed.
> >
> > <opinion>
> > I think Abi the Ant is a marketing masterstroke. He is brilliant. He adds style, 
>personality and charm. I could envisage Abi the Ant cuddly toys, even. Not only is he 
>as endearing as the Tux penguin, he also has a great point about the power of people 
>working together. Fantastic.
> > </opinion>
> >
> > Has a choice of splash screen etc already been implemented?
> >
> > Phil
> >
> Phil -
> If you are suggesting the "Official" release use the Ant mascot for slpash
> instead of what we are using - that's up to the populace at large and the
> maintainer.  I have no personal preferences.
> For personal builds, it is as simple as exchanging the abi
> abi/src/wp/ap/xp/splash.png with what you want as a splash scrren and
> building.
> Cheers!
> Michael D. Pritchett

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