On Fri, 22 Feb 2002, Kenneth J.Davis wrote:
> Interesting, does it require cvs version of AbiWord.exe to work?
> or am I downloading the wrong thing?
> I downloaded http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/abiword/AbiAiksaurusPlugin-Win32.zip
> and installed it.  It installs & loads fine (note the uninstaller doesn't
> delete anything more than itself), but if I try to use it, then AbiWord
> is killed, due to invalid memory reference (memory could not be read).
> This is using Windows 2000, both with AbiWord 0.99.2 I compiled with VC5 and
> with the 0.99.2 available on sourceforge.
> Thanks,
> Jeremy Davis

Jeremy -

It doesn't require CVS builds, but I did build with VC6.  You've seen
problems between VC5 and VC6 matching between AbiWord and plugins.   It
worked against Nikolaj's binaries which have been uploaded too.

I'll commit the code changes next week so you could build the plugin at
your convience.  But right now - I just want to enjoy the weekend.


Michael D. Pritchett

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