On Mon, 18 Mar 2002, Ariya Hidayat wrote:

> dear all,
> I wrote and maintain a few KWord filters and would like to share couple of
> interesting things:
> (1) Months ago there're some threads here discussing about AmiPro filter
> for Abiword. Well, I have started to reverse engineer the format and even
> write AmiPro filter (import and export) for KWord. Along with my little
> documentation, I think this could be served as a basis for Abiword's
> AmiPro filter. Of course, helps are really appreciated.

That was me,
i spent quite a while looking at the file format and i hope i can be of
help.  i did not know really know enough C++ to write the filter and i had
hoped to get around to it eventually.
Ill get my notes together and mail you tommorow

> (2) PalmDoc filter in Abiword is not finished yet. And sometimes it's
> broken, notably the export filter.  Feel free to see KWord's version for
> complete PDB access and implementation of PalmDoc text compression.
> (3) Now WRT WordPerfect import filter. In KWord's WP filter, I have
> compiled few lists to map almost all WP international character to its
> Unicode equivalent. Obviously, this could be used in Abiword as well. In
> addition, with Abi's WP filter framework, also it should be easy to
> support WP version 5.x.
> Had anyone interested in KWord's filters source code, take a look at
> http://lxr.kde.org/source/koffice/filters/kword (or maybe get KOffice

> tarball and compile :-) I hope we can see more cooperation in the near
> future...

open source development should be like this more often (shame Kword
doesn't run on windows tho', i dont think i'd be here if abiword was not
cross platform)


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