Dom: touches a couple of things in libole2. I've attached an aggregate
patch in case you want to take a look. Also, there are 3 sample docs
Vladimir has sent, two which seem to hang Abi (build approx. 1 week old)
which I'll check in to CVS at some point

o fixes for Win32 and: (Vladimir)
- for looping, when bounds wrong
- for char properties reseting if gap
- to wvHtml: process char properties right when font style have Cap or
  SmallCap attribute
- corrupted complex_file
- in escher.c
- important bugs in support.c
- GetSize function drugging pointer (must be goto)
- ms-ole.c (IMHO lseek must decriment pointer)

CVS: Enter Log.  Lines beginning with `CVS:' are removed automatically
CVS: Committing in .
CVS: Modified Files:
CVS:    basename.c decode_complex.c decode_simple.c fbse.c support.c
CVS:    exporter/wvexporter.h glib-wv/gmessages.c libole2/ms-ole-vba.c
CVS:    libole2/ms-ole.c xml/wvHtml.xml

Regards, Frank

Francis James Franklin

"No, she really likes me. She told me I look like Britney Spears, and why
would you say that to somebody you don't like?"
                                                           --- Elle Woods

Attachment: vladimir.patch.gz
Description: vladimir.patch.gz

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