Here is a fix for bug #2615, which only occured on unix. Basically, I just 
fixed it by copying and pasting some code from the windows version of the 
same, which was correct. I give the same caveat as last time: someone more 
familiar with this code than I may want to review it before committing.

Some thoughts:

I noticed that there is a lot of code duplication going on in the platform 
specific frame stuff (there's like 2 lines worth of gtk! everything else is 
substantially the same). We should probably figure out a way of refactoring 
this post-1.0.. 

Also, shouldn't this Document->close thing leaving a "blank document" rather 
than "exiting" be turned off by default? I thought that was Dom's verdict 
after the whole August kerfuffle. [ not that I'm trying to bring it up again 
but fwiw I find this behaviour really silly ]


Will Lachance
--- ap_UnixFrame.cpp	Sun Mar 24 16:36:37 2002
+++	Sun Mar 24 16:36:30 2002
@@ -110,12 +110,7 @@
 	pDocLayout = new FL_DocLayout(static_cast<PD_Document *>(m_pDoc), pG);
-	ENSUREP(pDocLayout);
-	if (m_pView != NULL)
-	{
-		point = ((FV_View *) m_pView)->getPoint();
-	}
+	ENSUREP(pDocLayout);  
 	pView = new FV_View(getApp(), this, pDocLayout);
@@ -236,27 +231,30 @@
-#if 1
-	/*
-	  UPDATE:  this code is back, but I'm leaving these comments as
-	  an audit trail.  See bug 99.  This only happens when loading
-	  a document into an empty window -- the case where a frame gets
-	  reused.  TODO consider putting an expose into ap_EditMethods.cpp
-	  instead of a draw() here.
-	*/
-	/*
-	  I've removed this once again.  (Eric)  I replaced it with a call
-	  to draw() which is now in the configure event handler in the GTK
-	  section of the code.  See me if this causes problems.
-	*/
-	pDocLayout->fillLayouts();
-	if (point != 0)
-		((FV_View *) m_pView)->moveInsPtTo(point);
-	m_pView->draw();
+       pDocLayout->fillLayouts();   
+       if (m_pView != NULL)
+        {
+	  // WL: adding this method into the UnixFrame from the win32 code to fix 2615
+	  // we cannot just set the insertion position to that of the previous
+	  // view, since the new document could be shorter or completely
+	  // different from the previous one (see bug 2615)
+	  // Instead we have to test that the original position is within
+	  // the editable bounds, and if not, we will set the point
+	  // to the end of the document (i.e., if reloading an earlier
+	  // version of the same document we try to get the point as near
+	  // the users editing position as possible
+	  point = ((FV_View *) m_pView)->getPoint();
+	  PT_DocPosition posEOD;
+	  static_cast<FV_View *>(pView)->getEditableBounds(true, posEOD, false);
+	  if(point > posEOD)
+	    point = posEOD;
+       }
+      if (point != 0)
+        ((FV_View *) m_pView)->moveInsPtTo(point);
+      m_pView->draw();
 	if ( ((AP_FrameData*)m_pData)->m_bShowRuler  ) 
 		if ( ((AP_FrameData*)m_pData)->m_pTopRuler )

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