On Thu, 2002-11-07 at 12:08, Andrew Dunbar wrote:
> > I will probably write a little tutorial on doing
> > this kind of thing (once I'm sure I understand it!)
> > so if anyone hates the way I've done this, please
> > let me know before I start telling the world to do
> > it this way ;-)
> Hey don't just tell the world how to do it, give them
> APIs to do it.  One time is plenty for inventing
> wheels:
> http://bugzilla.abisource.com/show_bug.cgi?id=4117
> "RFE: APIs to iterate through document"

There is already debug code that does this. If you start AbiWord from
GDB, you can stop it with Ctrl-c and type ::__dump(). It will dump the
full physical and logical document content to stdout.


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