On Wed, Nov 13, 2002 at 01:46:19AM +0000, Andrew Dunbar wrote:
>  --- Martin Sevior <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote: > 
> >
> > PS. Does anyone know how to make Open Office produce
> > a table with cells that span multiple rows? Also is
> > there anything like our merge cells feature in OO?
> From the GUI, in their file format, or in general?
> To see if they support it, try importing an RTF or
> .doc which has such a table.

1) They have gone to great lengths to use the same format for their
   tables and their spreadsheets.  The format definitely supports
   spanning (cols & rows) and even has some tricky bits where
   content is replicated across consecutive columns.  Have a look at
   the gnumeric OO importer for details

2) I found it very difficult to use OO to generate some of the more
   interesting corner cases.  In general it was simpler to do the
   work in MS Office, import to OO, then export.  This seems like an
   important test anyway given that the vast majority of documents
   start off in MS form anyway.

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