
One of the AbiWord developers suggested that I post my queries to the
abiword-dev list -- I hope this message doesn't distract too much from the
work you are doing here.

I'm a reporter for Salon.com who has been covering free software and
open-source software for a number of years. Recently, after having been
distracted by editing duties for two years, I became interested in the
growing buzz around the maturation of open-source desktop productivity apps.
I took a look at AbiWord, which I had first heard about at LinuxWorld in

I am extremely impressed at the progress. I'm writing a column about AbiWord
for Salon, and rather than focus too much on producing a straight product
review, I'm more interested in getting a snapshot of the development
process. AbiWord seems to have a relatively small group of regular
developers who are making steady progress in a hugely important (for most
normal computer users) area.

I'd like to know how individual developers came to work on AbiWord, why,
what their particular areas of expertise are, and what they think the main
challenges to moving forward are.

Rather than clutter up the list, it would probably be best if responses were
sent directly to me, [EMAIL PROTECTED], but I'll leave that to your

Andrew Leonard
Senior editor
Salon Technology & Business
Work: 415-645-9255
Home: 510-845-3011

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