
The list is back online! I found a new hosting service that offers list 
hosting as well...

The list home page is still the same: http://keskydee.com/aviation/list.html
The list address is still: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You can subscribe or unsubscribe online from the list server web page as 
before. The interface has changed, as the list program is now Mailman. The 
digest has been reinstated, and each member has been assigned a password. 
You can retrieve this password from the web page if you need it.

The list server checks for bouncing addresses, so make sure that the return 
address specified in your mail program is the same as your actual 
address... If you get bummed out, e-mail me directly.



http://keskydeee.com http://planenews.com
PGP Public key at: http://keskydee.com/gil.asc
ICQ: 3310801 E-Gold # 445175

ABML mailing list

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