Hi Todd,

I have a video loopback 'test room' node here that uses the following item:


I'm basically using it to convert the VGA output into composite video, and 
capture this with a Winnov 1100. Once connected to a venue, other nodes will 
then see their video within the test room node's video transmission, much like 
the setup in our AGSC Test Room venue (which actually uses a webcam pointed at 
a monitor, but has the same effect!).

This item works really well, but does require powering on via a switch each 
time the PC is turned off.

The following item is also very cheap:


And I believe is 'always on' when the PC is on.

Both these items are quite basic, but so cheap you can't go wrong. And for use 
with AG screen resolution, I'm not sure that you'd need anything better.

Cheers, Ben.

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-ag-t...@mcs.anl.gov [mailto:owner-ag-t...@mcs.anl.gov] On Behalf Of 
Todd Zimmerman
Sent: 14 February 2008 20:25
To: 'ag-tech'
Subject: [AG-TECH] Good Cheap Scan Converter

Anyone have any suggestions for a good/cheap scan converter?

Just looking for something easy to 'plug and stream'.



Collaboration & Visualization Technician WestGrid - www.westgrid.ca IRMACS - 
www.irmacs.com Ph. 778.782.6979 Todd Zimmerman - to...@sfu.ca

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