Hi Doug,

Thanks for the answer.

Luckily (or perhaps it was planned) this same yum update is offering me the 

python-ZSI - 2.0-4.20070622svn.fc8.noarch updates python-ZSI - 

python-bajjer - 0.2.5-6.fc8.noarch updates python-bajjer - 0.2.5-4.fc8.noarch

Is it possible that yum is offering these because they have been recognised as 
a dependency (I didn't think yum was that clever), or is it a coincidence that 
they are being offered at the same time?

If yum-updatesd had not offered the python updates, I presume my AG3 client may 
not have worked following the yum AccessGrid update. Or would the installation 
of the AccessGrid update have required these same python upgrades as 

I'm mainly asking because the AGSC support many linux users, and we sometimes 
need to have some control over what client version people use. or at least have 
some idea of what version they may use. It may not always be convenient if 
users' linux machines are automatically upgrading the AG3 clients. I'd 
personally only upgrade certain applications manually so I know where I am with 
them. For things like kernel updates, I'm fine with yum-updatesd doing its 

Cheers, Ben.

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-ag-t...@mcs.anl.gov [mailto:owner-ag-t...@mcs.anl.gov] On Behalf Of 
Douglas Kosovic
Sent: 17 January 2008 10:46
To: ben.gr...@manchester.ac.uk
Cc: ag-t...@mcs.anl.gov
Subject: Re: [AG-TECH] Yum package updater is offering AccessGrid update

Hi Ben,

> My FC8 machine has yum-updatesd running, and recently this has been
> offering me the following update (amongst about 100 other package updates):
> AccessGrid - 3.1-1.fc8.noarch updates
 > AccessGrid - 3.1-0.4.20071130cvs.fc8.noarch
> Is it recommended that users follow this update?

Yes, 0.4.20071130cvs was an earlier CVS snapshot prior to 3.1 getting
released (the zero in the revision number is a Fedora convention for
pre-releases and is incremented to one for the actual release).

Make sure you install the latest python-ZSI and python-bajjer.


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