Hello all,

We would like to invite all sites to participate in the Center for 
Computational Sciences Wednesday seminar series. Here are the details for 
today's seminar:

Title: "The Early and Late Evolution of Gamma Ray Bursts within the Context of 
the Collapsar Model"

Abstract:   We review results from our theoretical studies of the collapsar 
model for long duration GRBs. This model was recognized as the most promising 
scenario for GRBs prior to the launch of the Swift satellite. Observations 
obtained with Switf have improved our understanding of GRBs and also challenged 
our models including the collapsar model. In particular, X-ray flares 
discovered in a number of GRBs indicate that the GRB central engine may need to 
be active for much longer than it was thought before. Using simple theoretical 
arguments as well as results from detailed fluid simulations, we will argue 
that the collapsar model is still the leading scenario for long GRBs, although 
certain important questions remain open. For example, the rapid growth of the 
central black hole during the early hyper-accretion phase implies that the 
total energy and overall duration of a GRB event can be too small unless the 
progenitor rotates relatively fast.

Speaker: Daniel Proga, University of Las Vegas

Venue: Verlet

Time: 3:30 Eastern
List-Post: accessgrid-tech@lists.sourceforge.net
Date: Sep 26, 2007

All sites are invited to participate in this seminar. Sites can join us by 2:30 
Eastern for Audio-Video check.

Sandeep Pandanaboyana
Center for Computational Sciences,
University of Kentucky

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