Hi, Jamie. Answering inline.

>> 5) "Document that copyText, cutText, and pasteText are deprecated."
>> Can you please refresh me on it? The reason specified is "This
>> function is available via the application's GUI." but it seems it can
>> be applied to the whole IAccessibleEditableText interface.
> I believe there was some talk a while ago about making these all actions
> which can be triggered using the standard action mechanism. This would
> require a way to perform an action given a constant. It is why the idea of
> using negative action indices came up.

It seems it doesn't answer why we can't turn out the whole
IAccessibleEditableText interface into actions.
Btw, I would prefer doAction taking a BSTR rather than negative
constant. Otherwise we should standardize all possible actions and we
don't leave a room for the server to introduce non-standard actions.

>> 6) IAccessibleHypertext2::hyperlinks. Just to make sure: we decided to
>> go with array instead EnumVariant? Do AT want to get all items at once
>> even if the document is big and has many links?

It seems we didn't go with EnumVariant at all but we added maxCount
'in' argument. Should we have it here as well?

>> 7) IA2_RELATION_GROUPING_OBJECT_FOR: "This object is a grouping object
>> for the target object." - it'd be nice to give a hint for
>> implementers. After a time I don't really remember what is it about :)
> I guess a grouping object/container would expose this relation referring to
> all objects it contains. Is this really useful?

It'd be nice to have examples. Does it applicable to HTML fieldset and
HTML form? Should it include the element connected by node_child_of
relation if the element is not a descendant?

Thank you.

On Wed, Oct 10, 2012 at 3:39 PM, James Teh <ja...@nvaccess.org> wrote:
> On 24/09/2012 2:52 PM, Alexander Surkov wrote:
>> 5) "Document that copyText, cutText, and pasteText are deprecated."
>> Can you please refresh me on it? The reason specified is "This
>> function is available via the application's GUI." but it seems it can
>> be applied to the whole IAccessibleEditableText interface.
> I believe there was some talk a while ago about making these all actions
> which can be triggered using the standard action mechanism. This would
> require a way to perform an action given a constant. It is why the idea of
> using negative action indices came up.
>> 6) IAccessibleHypertext2::hyperlinks. Just to make sure: we decided to
>> go with array instead EnumVariant? Do AT want to get all items at once
>> even if the document is big and has many links?
> Isn't that the whole point of this method? Otherwise, wouldn't
> IAccessibleHypertext::hyperlink be enough? Maybe I'm missing something...
>> 7) IA2_RELATION_GROUPING_OBJECT_FOR: "This object is a grouping object
>> for the target object." - it'd be nice to give a hint for
>> implementers. After a time I don't really remember what is it about :)
> I guess a grouping object/container would expose this relation referring to
> all objects it contains. Is this really useful?
>> 9)  Description for IA2_RELATION_POPUP_INITIATOR_FOR doesn't make
>> things really clear for implementers too.
> Yeah; I have no idea what this is for. :)
>> Btw, the used string is
>> "popInitiatorFor",
> Looks like a typo to me.
> Thanks,
> Jamie
> --
> James Teh
> Director, NV Access Limited
> Email: ja...@nvaccess.org
> Web site: http://www.nvaccess.org/
> Phone: +61 7 5667 8372
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