Implantable Retinas Come Alive

An advance in triggering individual retinal cells could one day lead to
implanted artificial retinas for treating blindness.

By Duncan Graham-Rowe

Encouraging neurons in the retina to grow dendrites into silicon-based eye
implants could help make retinal prosthetics a reality. The dendrites grown
in a controlled zigzag pattern (bottom) shown across an array of much larger
vertical electrodes (top). (Courtesy of Neville Mehenti, Stanford

The use of implanted retina chips to restore vision is still some way off.
But scientists have taken a significant step toward that goal by finding a
way to trigger the firing of individual retinal cells, by growing them on a
silicon-based eye implant. The research represents a key step in making
artificial vision considerably better and more natural than current methods
used for prosthetic retinas.

One of the biggest challenges in developing artificial retinas has been
finding a way to stimulate cells in the eye to fire individually rather than
en masse. Now, by getting the retinal ganglion nerve cells to grow and plug
themselves into a silicon device, it is possible, says Stacey Bent

a chemical engineer at Stanford University, whose research appears in the
current issue of /Biomedical Microdevices/.

There are several different approaches used today in the attempt to develop
retinal prosthetics. But the basic principle underlying all of them is the
same: by stimulating cells within the retina, vision sensations can be
elicited in the visual cortex. This is possible because for some common eye
diseases, like retinitis pigmentosa and macular degeneration, only the
light-sensitive photoreceptor cells in the retina are damaged. This means
other types of cells in the retina and visual cortex in the brain remain
intact and fully functional.

Until now, the method of choice for repairing these cells has consisted of
using arrays of electrodes placed near the retina to stimulate the cells
electrically. The trouble with this technique is that, apart from the
electrodes being larger than the cells they're trying to stimulate, there is
no way to isolate the electric fields in order to trigger individual neurons
without triggering their neighbors.

Encouraging the cells to grow tentacle-like dendrites between the cell and
an electrode, the strategy used by Bent, gets around this problem by
creating a communication channel that stimulates the cell without invading
or disrupting the structure of the retina.

The real payoff with this method, though, is the ability to make use of the
preprocessing of the retina, says Bent. Until now, most research has focused
on stimulating the retinal ganglion cells, the large cells that feed signals
directly into the optic nerve. But this bypasses all the motion-detection
and edge-detection processing carried out in the retina itself by a network
of neurons called bipolar cells.

The ability to stimulate individual cells opens the door to the possibility
of stimulating bipolar cells instead of ganglion cells, says Bent. "We'd be
taking advantage of the existing circuitry," she says.

Working with Harvey Fishman and other colleagues from Stanford University,
Bent prepared a patterned array of electrodes with a neuron growth-promoting
protein called laminin, then seeded it with retinal ganglion cells from
rats. After 48 hours, tentacle-like growths from the cells were found to
have followed the patterns of the laminin.

The group then applied signals to these electrodes, to show that the cells
could be stimulated at power levels an order of magnitude less than
previously required. That's important because in a device it reduces the
chance of a signal leaking out and affecting neighboring cells, says Bent.

Not everyone is convinced that such controlled and directed growth of
bipolar cells will be possible in a live implant, however. While the idea of
using dendrite growth is a good way to bridge the gap between electrode and
neuron, Peter Fromherz, head of the Department of Membrane and Neurophysics
at the Max Planck Institute
for Biochemistry in Germany, believes the complex patterns needed to keep
the electrodes separate would quickly get swamped.

Furthermore, there'd be the issue of keeping the cells alive under such
conditions, says Eberhart Zrenner
director of the
Department for Pathophysiology of Vision and Neuro-Ophthalmology at the
University Eye Hospital of Tübingen, in Germany. "They need a proper oxygen
supply," he says, as well as nutrients.

Now Bent's group wants to apply this approach to stimulate cells using
chemicals instead of electricity. This would involve using microfluidic
channels instead of electrodes to squirt neurotransmitter chemicals at
nerves or their dendrites to trigger them. Several research groups are now
turning to this approach because it's a natural progression, says Bent. "It
is one step closer to what happens in nature," she explains.
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