13 year old Divakar, studying in DPS RK Puram is a very good singer. There 
is a 9 year girl called Sonal Rathuri who is an another example for it.
Yes, even I felt that the judges did not wanted to make any comments about 
his singing.
Generally most of the blind singers have a major problem of expressions 
which is a very important part in singing.
If anybody has his contact number, please send it across to me.


Vishal Jain.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Aruni Arsh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "khurana" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <accessindia@accessindia.org.in>
Sent: Saturday, July 15, 2006 8:18 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] projection of blind by media

>I also happened to watch that program and I would like to say that he
> was no doubt one of the best singers among the many participents. The
> attitudes are hard to change and it's a long process which has no doubt
> been set in motion with blind people exeling in many walks of life. If
> someone does well in music he or she must be commended. As far as the
> question of blind folks possessing extra sensery powers is concerned, I
> feel the loss of vision does entail what is commonly refered to as 6th
> sense. There is no doubt that we try our best to compliment our
> inability to see with emphasis on developing our capabilities of
> differentiating between sounds, reflections, varying  degrees of air
> pressures etc. All this can be regarded as something extraordinary by
> people who have not come into close contact with visually impaired
> folks. So I agree that there is a need to make people aware about the
> life and activities of the blind. at the same time there is a need to
> moderate our strong responses about things we may feel bad about.
> Regards,
> Aruni.
> khurana wrote:
>> Dear friends,
>> Today I happened to watch a program on Zee Tv where budding singers are 
>> given an opportunity to show their talent. The host introduced a blind 
>> participant as someone having a disability, and that such people usually 
>> have some special powers to make up for their disabilities. Another thing 
>> that I noticed was that the judges were reluctant to point out the 
>> deficiencies in the singing of that participant. Needless to say, such 
>> projection of blind in media is uncalled for. Although things are not as 
>> bad as they used to be some 10 - 15 years back, I do feel that with TV as 
>> a medium being as powerful as it is in shaping the attitudes of the 
>> masses, some action needs to be taken to persuade it to have a more 
>> sensible attitude than at present. I wonder if some sort of protest can 
>> be lodged or request can be made to present things in a more rational 
>> manner, instead of talking about imaginary powers that the blind are 
>> supposed to be blessed with. Would seek your opinion on this.
>> Thanks,
>> Anil
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