Hi all,

As promissed, the AccessIndia website will soon have a lot of content and
features. I am working on getting the basic structure of the site ready. The
progress so far seems to be encouraging. I cannot promise a date for launch
but I am trying to do it ASAP. I believe in collective information
gathering. All registered members, unless they are restricted to do so for
obvious reasons, can post and update content to the site. However, I feel
that the site should contain some content before we make it available for
general use.

Hence this is a sincere request to all the members to share whatever content
they have by sending it to me directly on [EMAIL PROTECTED] The
content may include:

Technology related articles, reviews, ticps and tricks and so on.
List of organizations working for the blind in the country with short
description of services offered and contact details.
List of computer training centers, resource centers, placement services,
employment celss and so on.
List of Electronic and talking book libraries, braille presses and other
information related sources.
List of Schools for the blind, schools where integrated education system is
actively encouraged and educational institutions where special facilities
for the blind exist.
List of magazines and newsletters (domestic and international) concerned
with access technology or blindness or education of the blind and so on.
List of Acts and Legislations (scanned images and full text), government
orders and notifications (scanned images and full text) and so on.
List of international resources and websites that are of interest to us.
Any other content that you think can be posted on the site.

I thank you all in advance for this help. Please remember to send the
content to my email address [EMAIL PROTECTED] and not to the list. If
the content is too big for email, let me know and I will give you an FTP
site to upload it. Also, please let me know if you think of any other
services on the site. You will be able to have a look at a skeliten version
of the site in a couple of days. Individual blogs and hopefully personal
webpages can also be created.

The site will be useful to a lot of people only if we contribute to its
development. All of you have actively participated on the mailing list for
years. I request you to contribute to the site with the same spirit.

I should also let you know that I got a lot of help and advise in technical
issues from some of our members. Thank you all. Special thanks also to Atul
and Shilpa at Enabling Dimensions for your help.


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