Very true indeed. I always welcome a person trying to walk me through a
place, even if I am extremely familiar with it, because otherwise, we
won't be getting to know the person at all. Besides, in a place where we
are the only person with disability, it's always better to behave normal
-in the sense that we shouldn't be excluding ourselves from the rest of
the people. Sometimes, those who come to help us become our good friends
and even confidants.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Adina
Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2006 6:05 AM
To: pamnani;
Subject: Re: [AI] Documentary

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I tried my best not to interfere, as I am from a different cultural 
background. However, this type of things seem commin all over the world.
it is about humorous things, oh, yes, I have a lot and they are all
The ideea of a documentary on the point is really good, as long as it 
doesn't follow the general tendency of media to make hearts melt and
waterry. We, I think, have had enough of this. We are all aware of what
are and, sometimes, people's mentality, good or bad, is due to us also,
like it or not. It is our fault that, instead of explaining people how
can be more efficiant for us, we just become aggresive and do not even
to communicate properly while we are offered for help. It is our fault
even if not needed, we do not manage to accept a help which might make
one who is offerring it, happy and comfortable.
Of course I do not mean to hurt anyone, but, the more we seet and
against ignorance of society, without trying to understand that people
know us as they simply haven't  deel with such situations of having
around a 
blind, the deeper the gap between blind and sighted would become. What
trying to understand this thing, like  lack of knoledge, knoledge that
can bring by talking only and making things clear for the one who helps,

educated or not, he or she has the right and maybe the wish to learn how
be useful.
Of course, it might be embarracing, that is there, but for everything we

have to pay a prise, and, the situation is that, we have to give it, in 
order to be understood and integrated properly.  Apart of rights, we all

have obligations towards the society, and, I think, opened and patient 
communication is one of them.

 How about never? Is never good for you?

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