Hi your friend can install JAWS from Windows 98 to XP.  I suggest your 
friend to read frequently asked questions which is available in JAWS help 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "sameer latey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <accessindia@accessindia.org.in>
Sent: Saturday, September 09, 2006 11:22 AM
Subject: [AI] Help required for a friend

> Dear Members,
> I am asking this query on behalf of a friend.
> She was previously using JAWS version 5.0 Standard and
> has upgraded to version 7.0 Standard. She was using
> JAWS on a computer running Windows 98 and now wants to
> upgrade to Windows XP Home edition. In this
> connection, she has the following queries.
> 1. Will the authorised version of JAWS 7.0 Standard
> running on Windows 98 also run on Windows XP Home? She
> has seen the different download versions for 98 and XP
> on the FS website.
> 2. How can she retrieve the authorisation key from her
> Windows 98 computer for use on her Windows XP
> computer. She has used the JAWS authorisation CD to
> authorise JAWS 7.0 on the Windows 98 computer.
> Any help in this regard will be appreciated.
> Thanks in advance for your assistance.
> Regards
> Sameer Latey
> A-12, Swati Society,
> V.B.P. Road (90 ft. road),
> Mulund (East),
> Mumbai 400081.
> Mob. 9867414004
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