hi list,
  i always tell that we don't want pity, we want opportunity. no body says 
diwakar should be voted just because he is blind.
  he is really a tallented boy. there is nothing wrong in supporting him.
  however it is also true that blind people get less opportunities to show 
their tallent. 
  whenever such situation comes we must encourage them instead of making it a 
conterversial issue.
  those who have not seen his performance may kindly watch Zee tv. on 14/9/2006 
at 10 p.m. 
  dattu agarwal
  creating link in accessindia site, practically not possible, each company
and programme producer has its own copyright, however, to put anything on
site, you have to have a digital version of that particular object. i just
posted that matter because diwakar is a blind and has also a tallent to sing
a song. i was not a regular viewer of that particular programme, two or
three weeks ago, my friend rang me and told that some blind boy is appearing
on that particular tv show, then i started listening that programme, if he
just told that listen that particular programme, without referring diwakar
with his disability, i never listen such programme. secondly, after this
final show, i won't watch this programme, i believe on early to bed and
early to rise. say goodluck for diwakar and his show. thanks.
----- Original Message -----
From: "mufazal munshi" 
Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2006 12:50 PM

> kirans point is taken, but since i believe that at least one of us has
> probably listened to the fellow or atleast Bhawani has, then, lets invest
> in his good faith and send an SMS. It may not do so much harm to our Equal
> opportunity demand and at the same time might land up giving the boy some
> leverage.
> our demand for equal opportunity is a social norm that we need to
> to persons outside of our realm of blindies. within our limited judgement
> we were to create a ground for one amongst us, the idea of social equality
> may not become challengeable.
> none the same now the time to take action has passed, as our SMS's may
> no value. but, perhaps in the future if such a request was found with a
> to our access india site allowing all to listen to the talent of any
> candidate, then, not only would one be able to excercise ones own
> about the person concerned but also remove scope to any misunderstanding.
> i hope my opinion will not be met with offense.

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