dear mr. k. ramkrishna,
  please reconsider your dicision to signout from [AI]
  i highly appriciate your opinions on different issues.
  i hope that you will share them in future also.
  Dattu Agarwal

K Ramkrishna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Dear Listers,

After witnessing the recent negative discussions on AI about the sexual 
harassment of VI women and after a lot of deliberation, I want to sign out 
of AI, as my conscience doesn't permit me to continue here, where we are 
insensitive to problems of VI women, where none of the ladies even bothered 
to raise their voices and share and where the judgment of our moderator was 
unacceptable and inadequate. Not that it would make any difference to the 
members. I thank all of you for all the knowledge, data and information 
provided to me. I could also get some good friends here. If anyone of you 
want to be in touch with me, my mobile is 098214 29802 and email ID is:

regards and thank you

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "smriti singh" 
Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2006 6:47 PM
Subject: [AI] attention please

>I totally agree with the article tara sir send.
> meethodology of the article is very cleaar we should
> not always think that condition in our country is
> great. because girls do not know about sexuality. in
> delhi, according to survey, 95 % visually challenged
> girls are unaware about usage of contraceptic or
> sexuality and the method of sexual exploitation. I
> have data of three states. with all the fascilities if
> Delhi Visually Challenged girls are in this condition,
> then you can imagine about other states. I don't
> believe that this issue should not be brought on
> accessindia, because, first, in a way, this is also
> concerned with accessibility rights. When you are
> aware about some situation, then only you can protect
> yourself and your friends from this kind of situation.
> Secondly, it is concerned with law and government
> policy, which accessindia allows to discuss. I would
> like to ask, can only the evolution of technology give
> us all the accessibility rights? should we be
> satisfied only with career discussions? Does not this
> kind of issue also come under government policy?
> It is very unfortunate that while discussing about
> this kind of issue, people have very insensitive
> atitude and somebody has called it love crime. For one
> minute, I agree with this respected person. But, if
> somebody is in love and that person is physically and
> emotionally exploited in an institution, is
> institution not responsible for it? Or is it also love
> crime? Secondly, in institutions for visually
> challenged girls, girls and boys are segregated very
> carefully. So there is less chance of falling in love.
> Those who have suggested about not bringing up this
> kind of issue in media, they should remember that,
> with possitivity, it is necessary to accept negativity
> also. Besides, I would like to tell that we cannot
> cover up this kind of issue in the fear that this will
> be problem for visually challenged girls, because
> crime of such institution will never come inlight if
> media is not involved.
> I totally agree that this could be problem for
> visually challenged girls in education, marriage and
> so on. But there is possitive aspect of it also. Girls
> will be told about sexuality and they will then be
> able to empower themselves like sighted girls to face
> the world.
> The real problem is that visually challenged girls
> generally do not think that they could be sexually
> harassed, because many of them, as I have already
> said, do not know about sexuality, and here lies the
> key difference between the harassment of sighted girls
> and that of the visually challenged girls.
> Smriti Singh
> Programme: M. Phil (English Literature)
> Room # 03
> Sabarmati Hostel
> Jawaharlal Nehru University
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