hello dear Sathiyaprakash
  happy to welcome you.
  carry on you will have a better future.
  prof Dattu Agarwal

Sathiyaprakash Ramdoss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Dear Friends, 

I am immensely pleased to introduce myself as Sathiyaprakash, doing my graduate 
studies in 
Counseling Psychology in Santa clara University at California, USA. I was born 
in Tamilnadu -
Madurai and did my schooling in St. Joseph’s school for the blind - Madurai, 
St. Louis Institute
for Deaf and Blind- Chennai and Thiyagarajar Model school – Madurai, intending 
to pursue my
Doctoral studies in Clinical Psychology and particularly in the area of Autism 
and Mental 
Retardation. Now I am in the verge of completing my graduate studies. I feel 
privilleged to 
be a member of access India and I hope, everybody in this group would be happy 
to welcome 
me into the realm of Access India. 


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