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University at Buffalo Reporter - Buffalo,NY

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Beware of what you disclose on resume

By Kim Isaacs

The 2000 US Census reports that nearly one in

five Americans has some type of disability.

However, most of these people aren't working --

according to the New Freedom Initiative, the

unemployment rate for adults with disabilities is around 70 percent.

These statistics suggest that people with

disabilities may have to work harder to land a

new position. The most important job search tool

-- the resume - has to be in top shape. Follow

these experts' advice on how to address a disability on your resume.

Should You Mention a Disability?

" The first thing job seekers need to ask

themselves is, ' Can I do the job?'" says

Jonathan Kaufman, Monster Disability Advisor and

president of DisabilityWorks. com. " If the

answer is yes and the disability doesn't affect

job performance, then don't mention it."

Jeff Klare, CEO of Hire DisAbility Solutions,

which is jointly operated by Monster, has a

similar view. " Never reveal a disability on a

resume," he says, citing the possibility of

discrimination or preconceived, inaccurate

notions about disabilities as the primary reasons to avoid the topic.

Dr. Daniel J. Ryan, author of The Job Search

Handbook for People with Disabilities and

director of career planning at the University at

Buffalo, State University of New York, concurs.

" Employers use resumes to weed people out,

so anything on the resume that would allude to

a disability -- given the realities of the

marketplace -- will probably work against you," he explains.

Top 3 Reasons to Avoid Disclosing a Disability

1. Fewer Interview Invitations: " Not securing

an interview is one of the major potential

pitfalls of revealing a disability on a resume," Klare says.

2. A Reason to Eliminate You: Your resume is a

marketing document. " Show that you have the

requirements the employer is seeking, and

eliminate anything that might move you to the '

reject pile,' whether that's typos, coffee

stains on your document or having a disability," Ryan says.

3. The Law Is on Your Side: " Under the

Americans with Disabilities Act, you don't have

to say anything," Kaufman points out.


" I would only reveal a disability on a resume

if I knew that it would increase my chances of

getting the job," says Ryan. " This is rarely

true, except for when applying for programs

designed specifically to recruit people

with disabilities, or if the disability is

related to the position ( for example,

a visually impaired counselor for those who are visually impaired)."

Disability- Related Employment Gaps

How should you handle employment gaps caused by medical- related


" If there's a big gap ( two or more years), it

helps to have a filler," suggests Klare. But

Klare advises against disclosing your disability

on the resume or cover letter as the reason for

the gap. " There are many ways to fill gaps," he says.

Options include volunteer work, continuing

education or other activities you performed

during your time away from the workforce.

Additional Resume Pitfalls to Avoid

Be careful about including achievements on your

resume that could unintentionally reveal your

disability. That doesn't mean you have to omit

all references to organizations that are tied

to your disability, but use common sense.

" Clearly, ' Gold Medal, 2006 Special Olympics,'

implies you have a disability," says Ryan. "

However, ' Treasurer, American Cancer Society Chapter' does not."

Interview Concerns

People with visible disabilities ( e. g.,

noticeable impairments to speech, hearing,

sight or mobility) might want to disclose the

disability so there are no surprises at the

interview. Ryan advises against this. " Get your

foot in the door for interviews, and if the

disability is visible, put their minds at

ease early on in the process, assuring

employers that you have the skills to do the job," he says.

Special Accommodations

" Each disability has a built- in accommodation

requirement, from none to many," says Klare. So

you need to know the accommodations you will

need for your disability and pose proactive

solutions once there's mutual interest in

your candidacy. " For example, a diabetic might

need two 15- minute breaks for insulin and

access to a refrigerator, but it's best to

discuss this after you get the job," he adds.

Klare recommends knowing what equipment may be

needed to accommodate your disability and where

to source it. " Become a team player from the beginning," he says.

Kaufman points out that the average cost for

accommodations is $ 500 or less. " And many

times it's nothing," he says, adding that

employers can often leverage or adapt

technology, resources and other tools already in place.

Klare's final advice: " Use the resume to open

the door, and then let the person come out in the interview."

The purpose of this article is to both provide

information and facilitate general dialogue

about various employment- related topics. No

legal advice is being given and no attorney-

client relationship created. Please see the

disclaimer for further limitations and conditions.

C 2006 Monster - All Rights Reserved - U. S.

Patent No. 5,832,497 - NASDAQ: MNST

http:// resume. monster. com/ articles/ disability/

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