Dear Smriti and all

Please stop this blame game and personal attacks.

I had made it very clear in my earlier mail that we have no business to give 
any advice to any independent body.

Firstly please understand how HR placement functions.

The HR firm is bound to keep privacy of the identity of the employer. This 
is done, because the employer does not want to be flooded by applications. 
That is the reason why they engadge these agencies.

If you have any issue with HR consultancy firms, you should take it up 
legally. There is no point targeting this agency in particular.

If members feel that such information should not be put in the list, this 
can be considered. However, it is those job seekers who will end up loosing 
on it.

Members can express their opinion on this.

I am begining to form an opinion that, some folks at Delhi are using this 
list to settle scores with some differences amongst them that they have 

Let me warn that such tendencies is very dangerous and all of us would loose 
in the end.

Access India is totally apolitical and we want it to remain this way.

We seek cooperation from one and all in maintaining this character.


> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "smriti singh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <>
> Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2007 7:00 AM
> Subject: Re: [AI] Fw: VACANCY - Lecturers - English,Hindi and Commerce -
> South Delhi
>> Hello Prashant Sir
>> If this was advertised in Hindustan Times then it
>> proves our point regarding transparency more firmly.
>> If it was already advertised then why you or Anubhuti
>> didn't place the advertisement on access India even
>> after the issue was raised on mailing list.
>> Despite you knew the whole detail you only tried to
>> outsmart us rather than telling the name of the
>> college.
>> Many people are saying it is normal procedure of
>> consultancy not to name the college.
>> All this is true as far as private sector is concerned
>> but it is not viable for the Government sector.
>> Why all of you failed to understand this simple fact
>> that if someone is appointed through such a procedure
>> his or her appointment shall be subject of scrutiny or
>> even a legal opposition.
>> Few people have said that we are well placed and
>> harming the interest of those who need employment.
>> I am really happy to tell you people who are writing
>> here mail most of us are seeking job and it actually
>> harms our interest if we don't know name of the
>> college.
>> I have respect for Anubhuti but it doesn't mean
>> whatever is going wrong I will not raise my voice.
>> Of course we have very few agencies who are working
>> like Anubhuti but it does not mean we will support all
>> kind of work which is harmfull for all of us.
>> So whoever knows name of the college please I request
>> you all for the sake of our community interest. Please
>> put it on mailing list. We know purpose of access
>> India is to give opportunity to everyone. So it is
>> dangerous if somebody deprive us from any oppurtunity
>> which is available to us for any reason.
>> Finally, I don't think it is petty issue because it is
>> not off topic matter and it serves interest of many
>> people.
>> --- Prashant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > Hello Accessindia
>> > I have checked my mail after a while & I am shocked
>> > to see the response to
>> > my forwarded message.
>> > I had forwarded this message  hoping that it might
>> > benifit someone; some
>> > eligible candidates will get information about a job
>> > opening.
>> > However, the response of some members has been
>> > extremely disappointing.
>> > Anubhuti has done great work in the last year or so.
>> > Ask those who have got
>> > employment in companies like IBM, jobs which they
>> > would have never got
>> > themselves.
>> > As it is there aren't enough employment
>> > opportunities for us and there are
>> > even fewer agencies which are doing meaningful work
>> > for promoting
>> > employability of VI.
>> > Our group has certainly discouraged Anubhuti who has
>> > left a bright career
>> > with GE to work for visually impaired persons.
>> >
>> > No wonder why our mailing list is losing readers day
>> > by day.
>> >
>> > Prashant
>> > BTW: This opening was advertised earlier in
>> > Hindustan Times.
>> >
>> > ----- Original Message -----
>> > From: "Rahul Kelapure" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> > To: <>
>> > Sent: Monday, June 11, 2007 12:13 AM
>> > Subject: Re: [AI] Fw: VACANCY - Lecturers -
>> > English,Hindi and Commerce -
>> > South Delhi
>> >
>> >
>> > hi
>> >
>> > friends i dont understand why we r wasting our
>> > energy on such paty
>> > issues as this.
>> > first of all we should understand that ultimately
>> > some of us is going
>> > to get the benifits through employment, how many
>> > conseltency firms
>> > even consider pwds for placement? further more it is
>> > just the normal
>> > practice that placement agencies do not genrally
>> > disclose their
>> > clients name.
>> > anubhuti is trying to convince the people and follow
>> > the potential
>> > employers for placement of pwds.
>> > in the process if she earns some money whats wrong
>> > in that? she would
>> > also need to run her office. and otherwise also she
>> > is giving us
>> > proffessional service and profits if earn is very
>> > wel within the rules
>> > of the genral practices of the semelar nature,
>> > friends ultimately none other than us will  b at
>> > loosing side.
>> > those who r rasing objections, r they the needy or
>> > elegible persons?
>> > why did u not write ur objections privately? why
>> > dont u want to c the
>> > positive side of it is it nesecery to look for
>> > faults always?
>> > since anubhuti has gave an answer which is
>> > satisfactory to a large
>> > extent as i feel we should close the argument as
>> > their r so many more
>> > important matters to b discussed on this forum.
>> > this group is ment to b helpful for all of us so pls
>> > my friends do not
>> > make this forum a grave yard for our selves.
>> > let this forum b problem solving forum and not
>> > problem creater.
>> >
>> >
>> > On 6/10/07, Viraj Kafle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> > wrote:
>> > > Hello sir,
>> > >
>> > > Just wondering how you don't see any fault in such
>> > a notice. In the first
>> > > place, can we even call it an advertisement? No
>> > college name has been
>> > > mentioned and one wonders whether the college even
>> > advertised a post! One
>> > > has every reason to assume that it is nothing but
>> > some sort of hobnobbing
>> > > between the institution and the consultancy. What
>> > procedure can one expect
>> > > from such a non-transparent formula that has been
>> > laid out in this notice?
>> > > And, if we dismiss this issue as an unnecessary
>> > one, will it be really
>> > > those
>> > > eligible candidates who want employment and
>> > financial independence who
>> > > will
>> > > reap the benifit, Or those select few who are
>> > probably the favoured ones
>> > > of
>> > > such a hobnobbing?
>> > > ----- Original Message -----
>> > > From: "Subramani L"
>> > > To: <>
>> > > Sent: Sunday, June 10, 2007 3:18 PM
>> > > Subject: Re: [AI] Fw: VACANCY - Lecturers -
>> > English,Hindi and Commerce -
>> > > South Delhi
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > Friends:
>> > >
>> > > Let me not be a part of this argument, but finish
>> > with a few points I need
>> > > to add.
>> > >
>> > > We must understand that employment of the disabled
>> > is important and only a
>> > > very few agencies come to our support in this
>> > crucial issue. As someone
>> > > from
>> > > the media, who also know a bit about how
>> > professional recruiters work, I
>> > > don't find any faults with the way this job
>> > advertisement was placed. As
>> > > is
>> > > mentioned, there are well set out procedures to be
>> > followed and we can't
>> > > find fault with such procedures. Imagine who are
>> > the losers in this
>> > > unnecessary issue? Certainly not the very well
>> > placed amongst us, but
>> > > those
>> > > who are searching for employment and a decent
>> > money and financial
>> > > independence. I think we have missed to provide
>> > such an opportunity to
>> > > such
>> > > members.
>> > >
>> > > Subramani
>> > >
>> > > -----Original Message-----
>> > > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> > > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
>> > Behalf Of Anubhuti
>> > > Mittal
>> > > Sent: Friday, June 08, 2007 11:24 PM
>> > > To:
>> > > Subject: Re: [AI] Fw: VACANCY - Lecturers -
>> > English,Hindi and Commerce -
>> > > South Delhi
>> > >
>> > > ***********************
>> > > No virus was detected in the attachment no
>> > filename
>> > >
>> > > Your mail has been scanned by InterScan.
>> > > ***********-***********
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > Dear Members ...
>> > >
>> > >   Pardon me for marking this mail to all ....but I
>> > thought there may be
>> > > people who would have similar questions , hence,
>> > it was important to reach
>> > > out to all .
>> > >   With my limited intelligence levels , I am
>> > unable to understand the
>> > > motive
>> > > behind the issues raised by the more enlightened
>> > members of this forum
>> > > ....They say
>> > >
>> > >   a) "This is the third time such a vacancy has
>> > been posted .....even
>> > > subjects are more or less the same."  ...... Is
>> > the number of times a
>> > > vacancy is posted  an issue  ?
>> > >
>> > >   b) "shocking to realise the utter lack of
>> > transparency in such notices"
>> > > ... we have a standard process of releasing /
>> > advertising vacancies and do
>> > > not differentiate between private /public/NGO/self
>> > employment or any such
>> > > category . If someone has a problem with our
>> > processes, too bad ..we can't
>> > > help it .
>> > >
>> >
>> === message truncated ===
>> Smriti Singh
>> Programme: M. Phil (English Literature)
>> Room # 03
>> Sabarmati Hostel
>> Jawaharlal Nehru University
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