New rules for disabled air travel     
                          By Geoff Adams-Spink                                  
            Age & disability correspondent, BBC News website           

The new rules apply throughout the EU
A European law that will improve air travel for disabled and older people has 
come into effect.

Under the new rules, airlines and holiday companies will no longer be able to 
refuse to fly people because of their disability. 

The European Disability Forum says it is a "key date" for disabled people. 

Labour MEP Robert Evans - who pressed for the adoption of the measures by the 
European Parliament - says seven million people will be affected. 

"It's incredible that people with reduced mobility have suffered neglect and 
maltreatment in airports as recently as 2007," said Mr Evans. 

"Some UK airports have put in place admirable measures to assist people - and I 
welcome these efforts - but voluntary agreements are not a proper substitute
for the law." 

Mr Evans says that some of the worst cases that he has come across include both 
low-cost and conventional carriers. 

Instances brought to his attention include:  
list of 3 items
. Nine blind and partially sighted people being thrown off a Ryanair flight 
because there were too many disabled people on the plane
. A limbless woman being refused permission to travel alone by Air France, one 
of whose employees said: "A torso cannot possibly fly on its own"
. Ryanair passengers travelling from Stansted being charged for wheelchairs to 
take them from check-in to the aircraft
list end
The European Disability Forum (EDF) is urging disabled passengers and those 
travelling with them to use the new regulations and complain to the relevant
authorities if they feel that their rights have been violated. 

"Only this way will the new law become totally effective and contribute to 
overcoming discrimination," said EDF president, Yannis Vardakastanis. 

Guide dogs

Although the move is welcomed by campaigning organisations, some are looking 
forward to next year, when further measures will be implemented. 

"We're delighted with the new EU regulations," said Guide Dogs' director of 
public policy, Tom Pey. 

"We're also looking forward to the introduction of the requirement that will 
prevent airlines from refusing to carry guide dogs in the cabin with their
owners, which will be implemented in July 2008." 

Other measures that will come into force next year include ensuring that 
passengers get a seamless service from check-in to the departure gate, as well
as a designated point of arrival. 

Airport employees will soon have to undertake disability awareness training. 

And people will be entitled to compensation if wheelchairs or other equipment 
is damaged in transit. 

Until now, disabled passengers have had some protection from existing 
disability rights legislation, but this did not apply to aircraft or across 

Disability rights campaigners have long complained about the lack of 
facilities, negative attitudes and essential equipment being damaged by 

In a limited survey, charity Leonard Cheshire found that almost two-thirds of 
people had struggled to board a flight. 

More than one-third had experienced negative attitudes from staff on aircraft 
or at airports.  

"For too long, disabled people have been unfairly treated and discriminated 
against when it comes to air travel," said Annette Laidler of Leonard Cheshire.

"Disabled people are entitled to the same opportunities to travel as everyone 

Vikas Kapoor,
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