Finally allowed second child, older Chinese parents turn to IVF
China’s decision to allow all married couples to have two children is
driving a surge in demand for fertility treatment among older women,
putting heavy pressure on clinics and breaking down past
sensitivities, and even shame, about the issue. The rise in in-vitro
fertilization points to the lost dreams of many parents who long
wanted a second child, but were prevented by a strict population
control policy in place for more than 30 years. That, in turn, is
shifting prevailing attitudes in China regarding fertility treatments
formerly a matter of such sensitivity that couples were reluctant to
tell even their parents or other family members that they were having
trouble conceiving. “More and more women are coming to ask to have
their second child,” said Dr. Liu Jiaen, who runs a private hospital
in Beijing treating infertility through IVF, in which an egg and sperm
are combined in a laboratory dish and the resulting embryo transferred
to a woman’s uterus. Dr. Liu estimated that the numbers of women
coming to him for IVF had risen by 20 per cent since the relaxation of
the policy, which came into effect at the start of the year. Before,
the average age of his patients was about 35. Now most of them are
older than 40 and some of the women are fast approaching 50, he said.
“They have a very low chance to get pregnant so they are in a hurry.
They really want to have a child as soon as possible,” he said. Chen
Yun is 39 and was in the hospital waiting to have the procedure for
the first time. She and her husband already have a 7-year-old son and
their families are encouraging them to have a second child. “We are
coming to the end of our childbearing years. It may be difficult for
me to get pregnant naturally, so we want to resolve this problem
through IVF,” she said. Ms. Chen said she hoped having a brother or
sister would make their son happier, more responsible and less
self-absorbed. “We had siblings when we were children. I had a younger
sister and we felt very happy when playing together,” she said. “Now
that every couple has one child, two generations parents and
grandparents take care of the child. They give the only child too much
attention.” If her son has a younger brother or sister to look out
for, he may not “think too much about himself like a little emperor,”
Chen said. Over the past two decades, IVF technology has developed
rapidly in China, where about 10 per cent of couples are estimated to
need the procedure to conceive. In 2014, 7,00,000 women had IVF
treatments, according to the health commission’s Women’s and
Children’s Department, which said in a statement that demand for all
types of fertility treatment had risen following the policy
relaxation, including the use of traditional Chinese medicine.
“Currently, fertility centres at renowned medical organizations in
Beijing and Shanghai and others are under increased pressure for
treatments,” the department said. Previously, China limited most urban
couples to one child and rural couples to two if their first was a
girl. There were exceptions for ethnic minorities, and city dwellers
could break the policy if they were willing to pay a fee calculated at
several times a household’s annual income. While authorities credit
the policy introduced in 1979 with preventing 400 million extra
births, many demographers argue the fertility rate would have fallen
anyway as China’s economy developed and education levels rose.
Intended to curb a surging population, the policy has been blamed for
skewing China’s demographics by reducing the size of the future
workforce at a time when children and society face increasing demands
from the growing ranks of the elderly. It also inflated the ratio of
boys to girls as female foetuses were selectively aborted, while
compelling many women to have forced abortions or give up their second
children for adoption, leaving many families devastated. The National
Health and Family Planning Commission said in November that 90 million
women would become eligible to have a second child following the
policy change. Authorities expect that will add 30 million people to
the country’s labour force by 2050. Those projections could be overly
optimistic since many younger Chinese see small families as ideal and
would be reluctant to take on the cost of raising a second child. When
the policy was changed in 2013 to allow two children for families in
which at least one parent was an only child, it spurred fewer births
than authorities expected. Also under pressure are China’s sperm
banks, which already suffer shortages owing to a reluctance to donate
among young Chinese men unwilling to father children they won’t know
or fearing their offspring may turn up at their door one day despite
donor confidentiality. “The relaxing of the one-child policy certainly
gave an impetus to the demand for sperm as more women, usually aged
around or above 35, came for assistance,” said Zhang Xinzong, director
of the Guangdong Sperm Bank in southern China. Calls have also gone
out for a loosening of China’s adoption law, which currently states
that only couples with no children can adopt, while also allowing
couples with one child to adopt a disabled child or an orphan. The
Ministry of Civil Affairs didn’t respond to a question on whether the
law would be changed, and it couldn’t say whether the number of
couples seeking adoption had risen since the policy change. It said
there were 1,09,000 children available for adoption in the custody of
governmental institutions, 90 per cent of whom were disabled and 60
per cent severely disabled. Zhang Mingsuo, a professor at Zhengzhou’s
University’s School of Public Administration, said few Chinese couples
were willing to adopt disabled children “because they worry about the
possible heavy medical expense.” Keywords: fertility treatment,
in-vitro fertilization, Liu Jiaen, one-child policy relaxation,
National Health and Family Planning Commission

Ph.D Scholar,
Department of English,
Pondicherry University,

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