And here in Delhi, we can even travel in the entire train from car to
car without any barrier.

On 10/18/16, Mahendra Galani <> wrote:
> here in Vienna, we have in new metro car, with having a barrier,
> further we can simply walk in the trane, and almost there is no gap.
> At 10:54 AM 10/18/2016 +0530, you wrote:
>>Metro to retro-fit 7000-series railcars to
>>prevent visually-impaired riders from falling
>>between them
>>A train prepares to depart from Pentagon Metro
>>station. (Photo by Matt McClain/ The Washington
>>Post) After a series of safety concerns, Metro
>>will pay to retrofit nearly 200 of the
>>system’s brand-new 7000-series railcars with
>>chain barriers to help prevent people with
>>impaired vision from falling between cars. The
>>decision, first reported by WAMU, came after
>>concerns were raised by the Federal Transit
>>Administration about the safety of the new
>>design — and after aa blind passenger reported
>>plummeting into the gap while trying to board a
>>Red Line train. Currently, some of the gaps
>>between the new railcars are equipped with
>>rubber barriers — a change in design from what
>>had been used on previous train models. For the
>>1000-6000 series trains, all of the gaps feature
>>a pair of chains clipped to the car on either
>>side, meant to alert a person waving a hand or a
>>cane that they should not move forward. But the
>>rubber barricades on the 7000-series cars are
>>set further back from the platform, and there
>>are nine inches of space in the middle, between
>>each side of the barrier — enoughh space that a
>>blind person brandishing a cane in front of them
>>might fail to realize that the gap isn’t a
>>doorway. [Metro’s 7000-series rail cars make
>>eagerly awaited debut on Blue Line] Metro
>>officials say the rubber barricade is compliant
>>with federal disabilities regulations, but they
>>decided to conduct further tests on the
>>effectiveness of the new barriers after the FTA
>>sent a letter in June that bolstered the
>>concerns of advocates for people with
>>disabilities and requested further analysis.
>>“While the analysis concluded that the
>>existing style of the between-car barriers are
>>safe and detectableMetro has decided to
>>standardize the 7000-series fleet to use the
>>same chain barriers that are found on the legacy
>>fleet,†  Metro spokeswoman Morgan Dye said.
>>Dye said that Metro officials have already
>>alerted the railcar manufacturer, Kawasaki, to
>>begin installing the chain barriers on all
>>future railcars delivered to the system. But
>>Metro will have to pay to retrofit all of the
>>cars currently in the system — 192, as of early
>>September— and the process ss will take until
>>the end of 2017, Dye said. She did not say how
>>much the retrofit would cost. [Delivery of
>>Metro’s new 7000-series rail cars back on
>>track] The risks of the rubber barriers became
>>clear in July, when D.C. resident David Kosub
>>tried to board a train at Grosvenor station.
>>Kosub recounted his experience to WAMU: “It
>>felt normal. I put out my hand on the train
>>itself, took a step and fell literally in the
>>gap that I thought was the entrance into the
>>train,† said Kosub. “But it was the gap
>>between two train cars that was a perfect,
>>David-sized hole.† Tall and thin, Kosub
>>suddenly found himself beneath the platform and
>>in between two loud, massive machines, he said.
>>Although it was during the middle of the day,
>>the Red Line rider said no one saw him fall or
>>heard him scream for help. He feared the train
>>would start moving any second, crushing him.
>>“This was the closest I have ever been to
>>feeling like I was going to die. And I have been
>>in some harrowing accidents before but never one
>>where I found myself that close,† he said.
>>Kosub said he placed his hands on the platform
>>and pulled himself up and off the track bed just
>>before the train departed. He was not injured,
>>and two Metro station personnel helped him
>>retrieve his cane from the tracks, he said. But
>>the risk of visually-impaired riders falling
>>between railcars has come up before — and it
>>took years of advocacy  work before Metro began
>>putting devices in place to help prevent
>>tragedies from happening. A blind man was killed
>>when he fell between two railcars and onto the
>>tracks at Court House station in July 1990. In
>>July 1990, a 69-year-old blind man died when he
>>fell between two cars at Court House Metro
>>station; the operator failed to notice the
>>passengers yelling and screaming as she closed
>>the train’s doors and pulled away from the
>>station. A jury later ordered Metro to pay the
>>man’s family more than $500,000 in damages. In
>>October 1997, a 56-year-old man with poor
>>eyesight stepped into the gap between railcars,
>>and fell underneath the train. No one saw him
>>fall, and the train moved off, crushing the man.
>>At the time of his death, the Washington Post
>>reported that the issue was becoming an
>>increasing concern: Brown’s death was
>>Metro’s third fatality involving a visually
>>impaired rider who had fallen between rail cars,
>>and it points to the challenges that disabled
>>riders face in riding the system. Many cues that
>>are provided for Metro’s 2,500 blind riders,
>>such as the granite platform edges or the bumpy
>>tiles that the transit agency plans to install
>>along platforms to mark danger, don’t help
>>visually impaired riders distinguish between
>>open doors and the gaps between cars. “It’s
>>a problem that Metro has acknowledged,† said
>>Julie Carroll, a lobbyist for the American
>>Council of the Blind. “We have asked for some
>>sort of barrier between the cars, chains, or
>>some kind of accordion barrier so you wouldn’t
>>be able to fall through between the cars.â€
>>Nearly 100 new rail cars that should be in
>>service by the end of the decade will have such
>>barriers, according to Metro spokeswoman Leona
>>Agouridis. The barriers are required on new cars
>>under federal law. In February 1997, a man
>>hurrying to board a train at Van Dorn during the
>>morning rush hour fell between the two cars and
>>onto the tracks. “He swung his stick where the
>>cars are attached and took a step, thinking it
>>was the door,† Stephanie Ford, a passenger on
>>the train, told the Post at the time. “He
>>bumped up against the car I was in as he fell,
>>and I could see him on the track.† He was
>>rescued by the train operator and several
>>passengers, who lifted him out of the gap and
>>onto the platform without injury. [For Metro
>>riders with disabilities, safety concerns and
>>SafeTrack cause growing dread] In addition to
>>adding chains between train cars in the 1990s,
>>Metro took other steps to try to prevent similar
>>incidents — including brroadcasting
>>announcements from the doorways of the trains,
>>indicating to people with disabilities that it
>>was safe to enter and giving them an audio cue
>>of where the doors were located. Up until that
>>point, Metro’s tr -- Avinash Shahi Doctoral
>>student at Centre for Law and Governance JNU
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> with warm regards
> Mahendra Galani
> Whatsapp/Viber/Skype/Imo/Facetime +43 699 174 555 95
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> 1160 Vienna, Austria, Europe
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Avinash Shahi
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