Session 10.5 Problematising Ability: Disability, Disablement and
Discrimination in Contemporary India

12 December 2016 11:15: 1:00 pm.

Chair and Discussants: Kalpana Kannabiran, Council for Social
Development, Hyderabad & Asha Hans, Women with Disabilities India
Network and formerly with School of Women's Studies, Utkal University,

Ashwini Deshpande, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi

Renu Addlakha, Centre for Women's Development Studies, Delhi.

K.S. James, Centre for the Study of Regional Development, Jawaharlal
Nehru University, Delhi

Avinash Shahi, Centre for the Study of Law and Governance, Jawaharlal
Nehru University, Delhi

Full Programme schedule

“Thinking with Evidence: Seeking Certainty, Making Truth”

10 - 12 December, 2016

India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi


Saturday, 10 December 2016

8:00 – 9:00 am – Registration and Tea

9.00 – 10:45 am, Session 1

1.1 Rites, Religion and Violence, Silver Oak 1

1.2 Evidencing Gender, Silver Oak 2

1.3 Sexuality, Gender Identity and Sedition: A Roundtable, Jacaranda 1

1.4 Politics of Evidence and the Right to Health Care, Jacaranda 2

1.5 Evidence, Truth and Justice,  Willow

1.6 Law, Technology and Evidence, Gulmohar

Tea: 10:45 – 11:15 am

11.15 am – 1:00 pm , Session 2

2.1 The Whole isn’t the Sum of its Parts: Continuums of Feminist
Political Thought and Practice – Panel dedicated to Priya Thangarajah,
Silver Oak 1

2.2 Unmaking Reason as Evidence, Silver Oak 2
2.3 Colonial and Post Colonial Landscapes, Jacaranda 1

2.4 Evidence of Judicial Performance in India, Jacaranda 2

2.5 Evidence, Law and Govermentality, Willow

2.6  Making of the Techno-social Horizon: Evidentiary Techniques,
Truth-making and

Visioning of Futures in India – I, Gulmohar

1.00 – 2:00 pm, Lunch

2.00 – 3:45 pm, Session 3

3.1 Rehearsing The Witness: The Bhawal Court Case, Silver Oak 1

3.2 Evidence of Suppression, Suppression of Evidence: Queer Archiving
Practices in India, Silver Oak 2

3.3 Evidencing Discrimination, Jacaranda 1

3.4 Law, Politics and the City, Jacaranda 2

3.5 Detections: Categorizing Crime, Order and Technique, Willow

3.6 Making of the Techno-social Horizon: Evidentiary Techniques,
Truth-making and

Visioning of Futures in India – II, Gulmohar

3.45 – 4:15 pm, Tea

4.15 – 6:00 pm, Session 4

4.1 Political Allegories of Justice and Democracy: Invoking the Lens
of Emblems, Art and Architecture, Silver Oak 1

4.2 Documenting Evidence of Rightlessness, Willow

4.3 Law,  Justice and Evidence of Identity, Jacaranda 1

4.4 Evidence for/as Atrocity: A Roundtable, Jacaranda 2

4.5, Legal Pluralism and the Making of Truth in Conflicts over Natural
Resources and the Environment, Gulmohar

4.6 Techno-Utopias of Identification: Comparing and Situating the
Fantasy in Aadhaar, Silver Oak 2

7.00-7.30 pm: Welcome, Stein Auditorium


C. Raj Kumar, Professor and Vice Chancellor, O.P. Jindal Global
University, Sonipat

Ranbir Singh, Professor and Vice Chancellor, National Law University, Delhi

Shyam Menon, Professor and Vice Chancellor, Ambedkar University Delhi

Peer Zumbansen, Professor of Transnational Law, Dickson Poon
Transnational Law Institute, King’s College London

Sudhir Krishnaswamy, Director, School of Policy and Governance, Azim
Premji University, Bengaluru

Ravinder Kaur, Professor and Head of the Department, Department of
Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi

Pratiksha Baxi, Anchor, Law and Social Sciences Research Network,
Centre for the Study of Law and Governance, Jawaharlal Nehru
University, Delhi


Chair: C. Raj Kumar, Professor and Vice Chancellor, O.P. Jindal Global
University, Sonipat

Satyagraha and Collective Power: Gandhi and the Dilemmas of Mass Action

Karuna Mantena, Associate Professor of Political Science, Yale
University, New Haven, USA

Gandhi’s suspension of the Non-Cooperation Movement, after the
outbreak of violence at Chauri Chaura, inaugurated an important line
of criticism of nonviolent politics. For critics from the left,
especially, the decision betrayed a mistrust of popular agency when
mass protest strayed beyond the prescriptive forms of Gandhian
satyagraha. This mistrust also came to be read as a collusion between
nonviolence and reformist, bourgeois and/or reactionary agendas. But
what Gandhi rejected at Chauri Chaura was not mass action as such but
forms of action that were premised on the generation and display of
collective power. This talk explores Gandhi’s critique of collective
or corporate power, from his skepticism of majoritarian democracy to
the disavowal of radical revolution, and shows how this critique
shaped an alternative model of action and mobilization, namely, mass
satyagraha  Gandhian satyagraha tried to invent and enact forms of
protest that dramatized discipline, suffering, and constraint as a
counterpoint to political enthusiasm, provocation, and intimidation.
Whereas traditional forms of mass action aim toward overpowering
opposition and cascading revolution, satyagraha foregrounds the
affective politics of persuasion. These are aspects of satyagraha that
might be especially relevant for invigorating democratic politics


Ramin Jahanbegloo, Jindal Global Law School, O.P. Jindal Global
University, Sonipat

Gitanjali Surendran, Jindal Global Law School, O.P. Jindal Global
University, Sonipat

Concluding Observations: Shiv Visvanathan, Jindal Global Law School,
O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonipat

8:30 pm: Dinner

Sunday, 11 December 2016

9.00 – 10:45 am Session 5

5.1 Love, Memory, Justice, and Medical Recognition: Evidence in
Ethnographic Methods, Silver Oak 1

5.2 Fisheries in Northern Sri Lanka: A Conflict of Law, Livelihoods
and Looming Precarity, Silver Oak 2

5.3 Numbers as Evidence, Numerical Narratives of Evidence, Jacaranda 1

5.4 State Impunity, Law and Human Rights Gulmohar

5.5 Evidence of Colonial Legality, Jacaranda 2

5.6 Gender, Sexuality and Bias: Interpreting Experience as Evidence, Willow

10.45 – 11:15 am ,  Tea

11:15 am - 1:00 pm, Session 6

6.1 Forensics of the Network: Media, Law & Technology in Contemporary
India, Silver Oak 1

6.2 Reading the In-visible: Ethics, Bodies and Residues as Sites of
Evidence, Silver Oak 2

6.3 Legal Pluralism and the Evidence of Indigenity, Jacaranda 1

6.4 The Police-Effect: Structure, Ideology and the Everyday-Panel
Dedicated to Nasser Hussain, Jacaranda 2

6.5 Roundtable: Attacks on the Labour Regime in Sri Lanka and India, Willow

6.6 LASSnet Authors: Jain & Sircar, Satish, Gulmohar

1.00 – 2:00 pm, Lunch

2:00 -3:45 pm, Session 7

7.1 Performative Forensics: Cinema and Evidence, Silver Oak 1

7.2 Evidence in Environmental Law: Beyond Science and Economics, Jacaranda 1

7.3 Law, Protest and Violence in Indian and African Archives Silver Oak 2

7.4 The Law of Evidence and the Craft of Legal Practice, Jacaranda 2

7.5 Consent: A Roundtable Discussion, Willow

7.6 LASSnet Authors: Parmar and Das Gupta, Gulmohar

3.45 – 4:15, Tea

4:15 - 6:00 pm, Session 8

8.1 Law, Media and Evidence, Silver Oak 1

8.2  Performing Citizenship, Evidence of Constitutionalism, Silver Oak 2

8.3 LASSnet Authors: Bhan and Bhuwania, Jacaranda 1

8.4 Beyond the Rules: Conceptualizing “Untraceable” Evidence in Indian
Law, Jacaranda 2

8.5 Law’s Publics: The Courtroom, Evidence and the Legal Trial, Gulmohar

8.6 Reconstructing Legal Truths about Gender Violence: Critical
Comparative Reflections - Willow

6.00 – 7:00 pm: High Tea

Monday, 12 December 2016

9.00 – 10:45 am, Session 9

9.1 Personal Laws and Religious Dispute Settlement, Stein Auditorium

9.2 Of Spectacles, Surveillance and Dissent: The Making and Unmaking
of the Idea of the University, Jacaranda

9.3  The Politics of Narratives, Archives and Fiction, Gulmohar

9.4 Rights-Based Legislation Under India’s New Regime, Silver Oak 1

9.5 Between Evidence and Truth: Voices and Silences—A Roundtable Willow

9.6 Of Identities, Evidences and Separation of Law from Justice, Silver Oak 2

10:45-11:15 am Tea

11:15 am -1:00 pm: Session 10

10.1 Photographic Evidence and Contemporary Notions of Truth
Production, Jacaranda

10.2 Encountering Islam and Law in India: Transitions from the
Colonial to Post-Colonial, Stein Auditorium

10.3 Judging History, Gulmohar

10.4 Data, Method and Evidence: The Legal Construction of Corporate
Governance and Taxation Structures in India, Silver Oak 1

10.5 Problematising Ability: Disability, Disablement and
Discrimination in Contemporary India - Silver Oak 2

10.6 Materialising Evidence of Sexual Violence,  Willow

1:00 - 2:00 pm: Lunch

2:00 - 3:30 pm, Session 11 : Featured Sessions
1.Roundtable on Law and Social Science Publishing: TLSI, Kings
Featured Panel, Stein Auditorium
2.Evidence and Constitutional Interpretation in India: APU Featured
Panel, Jacaranda
3.LASSnet Tenth Anniversary Plenary Panel dedicated to Dwijen
Rangnekar, Dwijen’s Injustice or The Global Injustices of Intellectual
Property Rights and the Framework of Resistance, Gulmohar

3.30 – 4:00 pm: Tea

4:00 - 5:30 pm Closing, Stein Auditorium


“Any Evidence for Hope?” Law and Social Struggles

Chair: Aparna Chandra, National Law University, Delhi

 Indira Jaising, Senior Advocate, Supreme Court of India, New Delhi

Babloo Loitongbam, Human Rights Alert, Imphal
 Usha Ramanathan, Independent Researcher, Delhi

 Upendra Baxi, Emeritus Professor Warwick, UK and Distinguished
Professor, National Law University, Delhi

Julia Eckert, Professor, Institute of Social Anthropology, University
of Bern, Bern

5:30 - 6.00 pm: Vote of Thanks, Stein Auditorium

6:00 pm: High Tea


Organised by:

O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonipat

National Law University, Delhi

The Dickson Poon Transnational Law Institute, King’s College, London

Azim Premji University, Bengaluru

Ambedkar University, Delhi

Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi

Centre for the Study of Law & Governance, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi

With the support of:

                                                      Indian Council
for Social Science Research, Delhi

LASSnet is anchored at the Centre for the Study of Law & Governance,
Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi

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Avinash Shahi
Doctoral student at Centre for Law and Governance JNU

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