Despite having passed the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act in
2016, the Budget allocated only about 0.0039% of the GDP for the
differently abled.
The Budget this year has hardly set aside any money for the rights of
persons with disability. The Budget this year has hardly set aside any
money for the rights of persons with disability.
Persons with disabilities and their families had many hopes resting on
the Budget speech. After all, the prime minister himself had made it
quite clear
that he held this sector close to his heart –
rechristening them divyang
 and even spending his birthday
distributing aids and appliances
 to them. The Sugamya Bharat Abhiyaan (Accessible India Campaign),
launched in 2015,
was said to be another highlight of this commitment. And finally,
with the passage
 of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Bill – which brought the
ruling party and the opposition together ostensibly for the betterment
of the sector
– people with disabilities were led to believe that their lives would
change for the better.

Instead, all that the sector got were some references in opening lines
of the Budget speech regarding the ‘poor and underprivileged’ sections
of society
– “Sabka saath sabka vikas (everyone together, everyone progressing).
Despite the government’s efforts, they still left this significant
population behind.

The only mention this sector finds is in the reference to making of
500 railway stations ‘differently abled friendly by providing lifts
and escalators’.
Accessible India Campaign,
however, had already taken up this task. Accessibility is much beyond
merely lifts and escalators – the latter not being helpful for most
persons with
disabilities. Specifically, targets were set to ensure that A1 and A
and B category railway stations are converted into fully accessible
railway stations
by July 2016, and 50% of all railway stations ought to be converted
into fully accessible ones by March 2018.

In fact, the funding for this does not fall within the railway budget
– the Rs 193 crores which
were claimed
 to be ‘exclusively’ for the Accessible India Campaign is budgeted
expenditure for 2016-17 under the existing
Scheme for Implementation of the Persons with Disabilities Act
 (SIPDA), which is available for any entity obliged to make their
infrastructure accessible under the Act. As pointed out in an
 by the Equals Centre for Promotion of Social Justice, allocating this
fund to the Accessible India Campaign is retrogressive as it limits
the government
efforts towards providing accessibility to infrastructure and services
in a limited number of cities, particularly considering that 69.5% of
the disabled
population reside in rural areas. Also, lest we forget, without
rolling stock that is universally designed, persons with disabilities
aren’t going to go
very far. There is no mention of this, nor is there any report on the
commitment of the previous year’s railway budget promise of ‘
divyang friendly toilets
‘ at railway stations.

demand for grants
 by the Department for the Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities
has shown a 9% increase, with most of the expenditure allotted for
institutions old
and new; only 41% of the expenditure will actually go into demand
driven schemes for the welfare of persons with disabilities, even
though the new law
expands the number of impairments included under such schemes from
seven to 19. The Accessible India Campaign and progress therein was
absent from the
Budget speech and the companion documents, while the SIPDA fund gets a
marginal increase of 6.7%. The
Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act 2016
 creates a national fund for persons with disabilities that finds no
mention in the Budget. The statute does not provide for automatic
absorption of the
SIPDA. The first year of this new law, which seeks to implement
India’s obligations under the Convention on the Rights of Persons with
Disabilities, does
not look optimistic.

While the prime minister appreciated the need for personal mobility
and assistive devices – enough to break
Guinness World Records
 while promoting them – the Scheme for Assistance to Disabled Persons
for Purchase/Fitting of Aids and Appliances has actually seen a
decline in allocations,
with a Rs 20 crore decrease from the revised estimates of the previous
year. The Artificial Limbs Manufacturing Corporation of India has seen
no increase
in its allocation of Rs 5 crores over the last three financial years
despite research and development around prosthetics progressing by the

The government has failed to link Budget expenditure to meaningful
implementation of the Bill that it enacted in all earnestness, let
alone international
obligations. Although the estimates on the number of persons with
disabilities in India differ – the WHO estimates
15% of the population
 to be disabled while the Indian census puts the figure
at 2.1% of the population
 – a 0.0039% of specific allocation of the Budget is nothing but abysmal.

Advocacy efforts must focus across ministries to ensure that their
service delivery design is inclusive and accessible to persons with
disabilities, as
well as with state governments to do their bit considering disability
is a state subject in the constitution. The finance minister’s speech
refers to outcome
based monitoring of expenditure by the NITI Ayog, but restricts it to
expenditure of the scheduled castes and tribes sector. In the case of
persons with
disabilities, the present lack of disaggregated data collection would
make any kind of monitoring meaningless – which is why activists harp
upon the demand
for collation of disaggregated data, including disability, year after year.

All these efforts, therefore, may prove challenging sans government
mandate, but influencing this mandate seems difficult given the
failure to recognise
the disability sector as a lobby of significance. India is shortly due
for review of its compliance with the Committee of Rights for Persons
with Disabilities’
State Obligations, which includes the allocation of maximum possible
resources towards respecting, protecting and fulfilling rights under
the convention.
Perhaps civil society may consider this a valuable opportunity to
galvanise as an empowered lobby to ensure that rights are guaranteed.

Amba Salelkar is a lawyer with the Equals Centre for Promotion of
Social Justice. The organisation focuses on policy and budget advocacy
towards furthering
the rights of persons with disabilities.


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