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----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mamta" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, November 23, 2007 6:12 PM
Subject: [AI] Doctor Samir Scientific Ayurvedic Practitioner.

Dr. Samir Mansuri

Dr. Sameer Mansuri says he's perfectly happy to be blind.

 And he has no desire whatsoever to be able to see. Sceptical? Listen to his 
explanation and he could almost make you believe he's lucky to be blind. The
31-year-old Mansuri, who is an Ayurvedic doctor who diagnoses ailments by 
feeling a patient's pulse, argues, "Your concentration decreases by 50 per 
when you can see because you get distracted by everything around you." So, 
he adds, with an infectious laugh, "Believe me when I say I'm happy to be 
It actually helps me in my work."

The Ahmedabad-based Mansuri, who has a doctorate in Ayurveda, comes in every 
fortnight to Mumbai, where his patients range from reigning Bollywood 
and film directors to middle- class professionals and families. He prepares 
his medications in Ahmedabad and sources herbs and other ingredients from 
Andhra Pradesh, the Himalayas and Yemen. Yes, admits this graduate of 
English Literature, Ayurveda has taken a knocking for sub standard 

block quote
"Pure Ayurvedic in gredients such as kasturi, pearl and gold are expensive 
and many Ayuryedic doctors use cheap/substitutes. Some also use allopathic 
and steroids,"
block quote end

says " Mansuri, waiting for his next patient in the Holiday Inn hotel at 

His easy laughter and perennially cheerful disposition belie both his visual 
impairment and the journey to his cur­rent position. It is the tale of a 
who constantly stumbled over obsta­cles but refused to fall down. The story 
began a few months after his birth, on new year's day in 1975, when his 
tried to kill him in a bathtub filled with hot water. The family was ashamed 
of the bllnd-infaat, who was saved by an un-cle who caught his motheFln the
hick of time. "My uncle tells me my mother planned to drown me in the tub 
and claim I fell in accidentally because I couldn't see," he narrates.

At the age of five, his parents packed him off to a .boarding school for the 
blind where he excelled in his studies. After completing his BA with a first
class, Mansuri left Ahmedabad as he faced re-j   peated humiliation there 
and settled in _ Hyderabad. With no professional skills, "he discovered he 
make a living as a !   masseur and turned out tsTbe surprising­ly good at it 

Then an encounter with Guru Shamshuddin, an 89-year-old_Ayurvedic doctor, 
changed his life. Though he was initially reluctant, the youngster learnt 
pulse diagnosis, the cause and cure of diseases and preparation of herbal 
medicines. After obtaining a practition­er's license in Hyderabad in 1999, 
was directed by Shamshuddin to return to Ahmedabad and setup a clinic there.

Word of his cures spread soon and to­day, the doctor runs a brisk practice. 
Hetal Gandhi, 35, who lost vision in both her eyes three years ago due to a
retinal dis­ease, regained partial eyesight six months after she began Dr. 
Mansuri's treatment in February.

block quote
"I can read the headlines in a newspaper now and can walk about in the house 
on my own,"
block quote end

said Gandhi, speaking from Ahmedabad. Film producer and director Subhash 
Ghai is another admirer ,"Dr. Sameer Mansuri's treatment has bean very 
for my physical and mental energy levels. His pulse diagnosis is very good 
and he's treated my family and friends as well," says Ghai.

Although he is perfectly comfortable with his handicap, Mansuri does not 
easily forgive what he perceives as slights against the visually impaired. 
magnate Vijay Mallya should know. "I'm sorry you had an unpleasant 
experience with one of my flights.... since we have fallen short of your 
please, accept my apologies," Mallya wrote to Mansuri last month after he 
received a complaint from the doctor about some re¬marks made by the ground 
of King¬fisher Airlines in Mumbai. "I took action because if someone like me 
can be 'hu¬miliated, what about other blind people?" Mansuri asks angrily

The doctor, who lives in Ahmedabad's Paldi area with his wife - who's blind 
too - and their four-year-old son, says he does not treat more than 60 
a month because he wants to devote more time to the trust he's set up to 
take care of the needs of the visually impaired. His way of giving back 
to society in gratitude.

Dr. Samir wows Bollywood

Dr. Samir found many fans in Bollywood celebrities.

Aishwarya Rai - Bachhan was treated by Dr. Samir for hypertension and 

Vivek Oberio, Music Director - Anu Kapoor have consulted Dr. Samir for their 
medical conditions.

Assistant Director - Abdul Kayyum, of rajkumar Santoshi Productions had 
consulted Dr. Samir for Ulceritis.

What baffles us is that dispite the fact these personalitied can avial the 
best of the medical treatment, they still turn to Dr. Samir as he treats 
any surgerical procedures.

Salman Khan, Subhash Ghai, Ashok Mehta are among many others who are treated 
by Dr. Samir Mansuri


Hope this helps!
Many thanks!
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