The Hindu News Update Service

News Update Service
Sunday, December 30, 2007 : 1410 Hrs


Efforts to promote open source software gather momentum

Chennai (PTI): Efforts to promote Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) have 
gathered momentum in the country, mainly due to emergence of "Linux User Groups"
(LUGs) and recognition by academics and government.

India's computing space is witnessing a shift towards free software as more and 
more people are drifting away from proprietary products due to their exorbitant
prices, security issues and restrictions on usage, according to experts.

"Independent efforts to promote open source software technology, which ensures 
users' rights to use, study, copy, modify, and redistribute modified computer
programs, started as early 2001 in India and picked up momentum in the last 
couple of years," said Free Software Foundation of India secretary M Arun.

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