How to Get a Developer Job When You're Blind: Advice From a Blind
Developer Who Works Alongside a Sighted Team
by Florian Beijers
I'm a Dutch developer, and I recently graduated with a bachelor's
degree in IT. I'm fully blind and use a screen reader to do my job.
I walk the treacherous path of the blind developer - a path I will
describe, as well as the various traps it contains.
I've worked for various companies as a back-end web developer who is
slowly but surely also migrating to more and more front-end work, the
technological landscape being what it is.
I have worked with a variety of technologies, from c# to Python and
from Rails to JavaScript.
I am also an accessibility expert, familiar with the usual suspects
such asWCAG, ATAG and friends. What I mean by proficient in this case
is that I have used these skills in a professional setting by
performing accessibility audits on websites, web applications and
desktop applications.
I have also amassed theoretical knowledge by going through the Deque
University training program, which I can highly recommend if you want
a firm grounding in accessibility fundamentals.
This proficiency with accessibility regulations is mainly a
consequence of the fact that I myself require content to be accessible
in order to be able to use it.
This description will at times be factual, at times opinion-based.
Most of the time, it will be the experiences of a single individual
who writes code for a living without using his eyes to help him see
what he's doing.
I am hoping this tale will shed some light on my workflow and the
things I have to deal with to keep that workflow going on a regular
basis. Finally, it will be a snapshot of sorts of all the things I've
learned and am still learning about this process.
Starting your journey: getting a foot in the door
In order to work for a dev team with sighted colleagues, you obviously
will need to get hired first. Making that happen means you need to hop
over some interesting gotchas that may not be immediately apparent,
which is why I dedicate a section of the article to it here.
Job hunting as a blind developer is an interesting activity. Just like
anyone else applying to any job ever, it starts with a resume and in
most cases a cover letter.
A question I initially faced was whether I should immediately notify
the company of my blindness or not. I've found that generally, it's
better to not do that because of the simple reason you put unnecessary
emphasis on the blindness if you do.
I am a developer with qualifications, experience and skills I have
earned and worked hard for, and those are the merits I want to be
hired for.
Being blind, to me, is an inconsequential thing next to those skills,
unless it can somehow be an asset to the position. This would for
example be true for an accessibility-related position.
This has led to some rather interesting situations, from bewildered
looks at my white cane or, later, guide dog, to hastily devised
excuses to end the job interview prematurely.
Although discriminating against someone with a disability is illegal,
it is at times rather easy to disguise as something else. This is
something to look out for. Fortunately, this doesn't happen all that
often, but to not mention it here would be playing fast and loose with
the truth.
It is a careful balancing act in the best of cases. These days, I tend
to mention my blindness at the very last moment when I negotiate a job
interview over the phone, by stating I will be bringing a dog to the
office and asking if anyone is allergic to dogs. Usually, the next
question is a very understandable "Why?" and only then will I mention
it, minimizing it as much as possible. Most of the time, this approach
has given me at least a chance to come in for a first interview.
Other obstacles are mandatory screenings or assessments that are not
accessible, these are generally standardized tests that cannot be
deviated from according to the company you are applying for.
This has the usual consequence of  generally ending the job interview
procedure right there. Obviously, the issue can be forced but in the
vein of creating a positive working environment, this is really not
something I can recommend.
This has to do with the above mentioned emphasis on your status as a
blind person. The more you make an issue of it, the more importance it
gains for the person considering your job application.
What follows is generally an almost scripted procedure. The job
interview goes off without a hitch in most cases, but gains an extra
component I like to call the "Monkey show, Monkey do" portion.
This part of the interview is usually preceded by a question like:
"You can probably imagine why I ask, but How do you program
without looking?"
At this point, I explain about screen readers, the blazingly fast rate
they spit out information at and I usually get out my laptop to give a
bit of a demonstration.
I usually get stares of amazement. Once people even clapped for me.
Although that is of course very flattering, being stared at in
admiration for doing something that is second nature has a tendency to
get old from time to time. This is nothing personal. It's just
possible that you are the third person doing so today. Answering the
same questions over and over certainly falls in that same category as
As a result, I wrote an article, my first one on freeCodeCamp in fact,
to answer some of the questions I often get  when it comes to being a
blind developer.
Fortunately, both this demonstration as well as this momentary period
of being stared at usually doesn't last very long. I've found that
doing this makes it a lot easier to explain why something is or is not
a challenge further down the road.
Being put on display like that - although sometimes uncomfortable -
is very much worth it in the end. After all, the reactions are
understandable. I am doing something a lot of people can't even
imagine doing without sight.
Picking your tools: The constant Struggle for the constant Juggle
For various pursuits, you require a set of tools to be effective.
Climbers will need rope, anchoring hooks etc. And programmers require
tools to program, test, collaborate, share and look up information
Unfortunately, this is where a lot of people quit. Perhaps even more
unfortunately, this is totally understandable.
The amount of work you have to put in to get a decent stack going that
works for your use case - on top of your normal 40-hour work week -
can be a bit overwhelming.
The operating system is the first hurdle. A lot of dev teams here in
the Netherlands use Macs exclusively. Sadly however, the accessibility
APIs available to the MacOS screen reader, Voiceover, is in a lot of
cases inferior to those in Windows.
The amount of keystrokes required to perform a task on the Mac is
often higher than on Windows, with MacOS being a very mouse-oriented
operating system.
Finally, the screen reader itself lacks a lot of the convenience
features and customization options of it's Windows counterparts.
In an industry that is supposed to be equally accessible to both the
blind and the sighted, these shortcomings translate into serious
productivity hits in comparison to my sighted colleagues. This can be
stressful and requires some understanding and flexibility from my
colleagues at times.
Once you're familiar with a codebase and tools have been sorted out,
you can perform a lot of tasks just as fast as sighted colleagues.
Achieving that familiarity however, can take time. Especially if tools
are not as accessible as they can be. You can lose precious time
wrestling with a tool that is supposed to help you in your work, but
rather, hinders or even blocks you entirely.
Fortunately I have usually been met with understanding and, a lot of
times, curiosity about the shortcomings from my sighted colleagues.
This isn't something to depend on though. When a lot of work needs to
be done in a short amount of time, every productivity hit is in a
sense one too many.
To alleviate these problems as much as possible, it's paramount that
you know every little shortcut and trick of the trade in your tools of
choice to shave off time wasted on actions you repeat all the time.
Macro keys, shell aliases, editor extensions that give you more
keyboard shortcuts - these are the name of the game.
But sometimes the tools that are supposed to help you will get in your
way instead. Where my sighted colleagues often use graphical tools to
manage certain aspects of their jobs, these tools are often
inaccessible. This requires me to - often on the spot - figure out
some kind of workaround to still perform the same task with some
modicum of efficiency.
For a graphical application, this might be a command line equivalent.
A website might have an API. Sometimes, a second graphical tool might
work better than the de facto one. Constantly puzzling out
alternatives for inaccessible technology is a constant part of the job
when you do it with your eyes closed. Getting the freedom to bring
your own tools is very important for that reason.
I've rarely seen tools being enforced because developers generally
have a strong preference for their own workflow. But for the jobs that
do insisted on me using specific tools, this often becomes a
dealbreaker for any future contracts I would take on. Tools are that
Your first thought might be to just use Windows if MacOS makes you
less productive. In an ideal world, that would be a viable solution.
However, especially in older codebases, dev teams have often devised
little hacks to make older code run on their newer hardware/software
that shouldn't even be running anymore in the first place. These hacks
are OS-specific, and are often hard to replicate on Windows - even
while using the Windows Subsystem for Linux. They can sometimes take
weeks to get working. It's often not worth it.
Right now, for that reason, I am almost mandatorily running a Windows
10 virtual machine within Vmware Fusion on the Mac. I am forced to use
two operating systems at once to get my work done. Windows holds my
web browser, my code editor of choice and various other tools I use to
increase my productivity:
•Google Chrome
•VS Code
•a decent PDF reader
•an office suite for working with DOCX and XLSX files
Basically all real applications run on the Windows VM, making the
MacOS part more of a server that just hosts the application code.
This is a good example of the freedom of to use your own tools I
referred to. Nobody else in my team runs the same setup I do. But
doing this has generally been met with understanding and support from
my colleagues because they can see I can get work done this way.
Accessibility, especially in dev tools, can be incredibly hard to
defend. Often you are not being taken seriously when you ask for what
should be a basic feature. In a sense, you are merely asking to be
able to use the application.
But it is not on the roadmap, developers can't be spared to work on
it, it doesn't have priority, etc. Are reasons for not fixing a tool's
accessibility almost like clockwork. Other times, promises are made
for fixes that never materialize.
I would love to see this improve, and have had the pleasure of seeing
it happen now and again. It is still a problem that keeps coming back
though and as developers, me included, we should do better.
My sighted colleagues take a lot of tooling for granted. In a .NET
team for example, it is rare to see a developer that isn't using
Resharper to boost their productivity.
Ironically, this extension for Visual Studio, itself quite accessible,
uses a lot of keystrokes to do what it does. You would think that
would make it an ideal tool for a blind developer, who only uses a
keyboard to code. However, the output of this extension is more often
than not inaccessible, rendering the tool more of a hindrance then an
I have been hounding Jetbrains for years to get them to fix this
tool's accessibility, which even at the time of this writing is
abysmal. I have been impolitely dismissed, ignored and finally made
promises to, so far unfulfilled. This unwillingness to fix what is
obviously a problem that has been there for years makes me hesitant to
commit on a .NET-based position. Even if the problems get miraculously
solved, the track record of leaving it unsolved for so long would make
me wonder when it's going to break again.
In one of the first dev teams I worked with, Postman was used heavily
to test API endpoints the back-end developers created. Postman has a
number of glaring accessibility issues that make it hard to use with a
screen reader. For a perfect example of unfulfilled promises, have a
look at this GitHub issue. Observe that the issue is still open after
almost 2 years and promises are made but not being kept.
Accessibility is often an afterthought, something that is undeniably
proven again and again. Slack, sadly, is a good example of this. The
accessibility of this now almost undismissable tool was abysmal,
screen reader users could simply not work with it.
We are definitely seeing improvements in that space, something this
article aptly demonstrates. But the amount of time all of this takes
is incredibly high - months, at times years, that people using a
screen reader cannot adequately access resources their colleagues have
access to. This kind of deficiency can and does cause people to lose
their job because they just can't keep up with the communications
within the company they work at.
The tools mentioned above (Resharper, Slack, Postman etc.) are key
players in their chosen fields. Not having access to these tools
hamstrings you as a developer and forces you to spend cycles you
should be spending on getting work done on finding workarounds and
alternative tools instead. This is wasteful, tiring and shouldn't be
necessary, but it is and it is one of the core skills I've had to get
very good at to keep up.
As time goes by, I will say that there seems to be a downwards trend
of this being necessary, though. Efforts of Microsoft, Apple, Google
and other big players are making more and more people aware of this
almost constant battle for equal access to productivity. By no means
are we out of the woods though, something that was quite clearly
demonstrated by the Gutenberg WordPress debacle that is currently
raging through the accessibility community.
Blind people are a niche market to software and web developers. Blind
developers are a niche market within a niche market.
Blind developers who keep at it, become productive and hold a
full-time job, are sadly even more rare. This can and should change,
but until that happens the fight for accessible developer tooling is
one you fight on your own. I hope it is a fight we won't have to fight
in the future, I will do my best to contribute to that goal.
Odds and ends
I want to end this article on a positive note.  The fact that I am
still in this field, the fact I hold a full-time job as a developer
brings me a lot of happiness even through all the seemingly constant
obstacles. I'm happy I can contribute to a great team of colleagues
that treat me as an equal and think with me when I run into something
I am having trouble with.
I want to emphasize that even though the field of computer science is
not free of obstacles, people can thrive and are thriving in
CS-related jobs. The struggles described above are certainly true, but
compared to other fields they are at least to a large degree
manageable. I doubt that I will write an article any time soon about
my career switch to a surgeon, a fighter pilot or a professional
baseball player, but then technology might yet surprise me. For now
though, I'm happy where I am and have a great team around me.
I am often asked for my opinion when it comes to the effect on the
accessibility of the product we are working on. My opinions definitely
aren't always going to cause things to change, but I'm glad I am at
least able to make people aware of the importance of accessibility and
what will happen when it is being disregarded.I am, after all, a
living breathing example of just what happens when a tool is not or no
longer accessible.
The WordPress article linked to above sends this message very clearly;
a tool that has been very usable and accessible for years is now
nose-diving. This is something that can happen to any tool a blind
developer depends on, the Russian roulette of the business so to
By writing articles like this, by giving talks, educating developers
and by experimenting with new tools, new techniques and new
methodologies I hope to stay ahead of the curve. By writing down my
findings, I hope to teach others the tricks of the trade I found out
by trial and error so the threshold to this field is lowered for
screen reader users.
The main goals of this article align with many, if not all of those
goals. I hope I have given you a glimpse into both the struggles as
well as the positives of a blind programmer.
I hope I have pointed out that even though doing this is possible, we
can and should improve the experience immensely. I hope I have sparked
the readers of this article to think, really think, about the
consequences of inaccessible software and I hope I have shown off that
even through all the obstacles, it is very possible to become good,
even great in this field once you achieve escape velocity.
In light of the positive note I was just referring to, I want to end
this article by mentioning two huge accessibility wins that are
perfect examples of how we have done better, both of which I have been
an honored contributor to.
For learning how to code, a lot of the more interactive resources out
there likeCodeacademy are not very accessible. This has to do with
various components that are used in these projects not being
accessible. Fortunately, this is already being worked on.
One of the resources that has been gaining a lot of traction over the
last few years is freeCodeCamp. This initiative used to have some
rather severe accessibility issues which very recently have almost
been completely fixed and overhauled, making the platform very viable
for screen reader users who want to learn how to code.
This has a lot to do with the Monaco Editor which is a very accessible
web-based code editor and is in fact the editor component Visual
Studio Code uses. This editor, when it came out, was literally
completely inaccessible. However, in a relatively short time this was
not only fixed to a large degree, but now makes projects like
freeCodeCamp accessible by default because they use the same
component. This is the way it should always be, this is what I am
hoping to see more of as I keep at this. And with that, I think it's
high time I get back to programming.

With warm regards
Solomon S

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