Dear Acccessindians,
Today I am writing this mail here with a special purpose in mind. We
know very well that subjects like Science and maths have always been a
matter of concern to majority of us mainly because of their visual
presentation and explanation. This visual presentation leaves these
subjects beyond our proper understanding and as such results in their
As an effort to find a solution to this problem and also to make
science accessible some  renowned science communicators are willing to
come forward to develop accessible communication methods for our
community. To begin with to discuss the plan to go ahead, it is
intended to organize an informal virtual  meeting with a small group
of persons  who are connected with science and science teaching.
My daughter, Dr.  Suchita Kulkarni who is working in research field in
Vienna, has written a mail to me in this regard. I am pasting her mail
below. Those willing to co-operate in this endeavour can directly get
in touch with her. Her e-mail ID is:

C. B. Kuulkarni
Her e-mail follows:

I am writing you an email with cc to my dad. I also cc Sharmaji who is
a very respected figure in Indian science communication and is happy
to help us in this endeavor.

I suppose dad has already told you a bit about our thoughts. Let me
begin with defining what I mean by science communication. Science
communication is a field which explains cutting edge scientific
developments  to the individuals of the society in simple
understandable language.

To my mind, the way science communication is done currently, it is not
accessible for blind community. Thus we want to understand the
problems blind individuals face in understanding popular science
articles and then expand this to a broader field of disabled
individuals. To my understanding the huge emphasis on diagrams, charts
and images does not make popular science accessible for blind
communities and science communicators need to understand this clearly.
A direct communication with you all will help understand the
bottlenecks and will help us make better science communication. We
come to you with this vision.

To begin with, we wish to have a small zoom meeting (which could be
periodic) with a select few members of your group. The age or the
education of these individuals is not a barrier, we would however like
to have constructive feedback. Therefore it will be nice to have
people who will discuss and be patient with us. We are also doing it
the first time and have little experience with this.

I was thinking we could present a small snippet on a science topic. It
could be e.g. Coronavirus, climate change, comets, airplanes, anything
that you like. You could give us a list of a few topics such that we
can pick a few and prepare. Once we present our way of doing science
communication, your group can tell us where improvements can be done.

I can imagine there will also be a more general feedback and ideas
that you would want to share. We will be delighted to hear them. At
the moment, nothing is set in stone, we look at it as a wonderful
beginning of something. We wish to define that something together with

I hope my thoughts are clear, I am sorry for the very long email.
Please do not hesitate to speak up your mind and let us know what you


skype ID: chandrashekhar.b.kulkarni

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