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From: The Desi DISpatch <thedispa...@hotmail.com>
Date: Mon, 17 Aug 2020 at 11:13
Subject:  Please fill this job identification survey in view of the recent
AIIMS 'expert' committee tragicomedy

Read this

and then fill this survey form by Anuj Goyal who is working on the many
loopholes in disability job identification (while we are stuck with it.)


If you self-identify yourself as a person with disability, I request you if
you could please fill this small questionnaire which I have drafted on the
Abilities of Persons with Disabilities. This survey is being conducted to
produce evidence to challenge the exclusionary and discriminatory
recruitment policies followed at public institutions including Ministries,
Departments, PSUs as well as Public Universities. The responses are
completely anonymous.

It would be of great help if you could also share it among the people you
know who self-identify themselves as persons with disabilities. I'm also
sharing the link to it here: https://forms.gle/LhLsTCcRXGjUBrXV8

Thanks & Regards,

Survey on the Abilities and Employment of Persons with Disabilities
In pursuance of the provisions of Section 32 of the Persons with
Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full
Participation) Act, 1995, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment had
constituted an Expert Committee. This Committee, with the help of three
sub-committees, made an in-depth study of various jobs performed in
Government of India Ministries/Departments, PSUs and other autonomous
bodies and a list of posts under Groups A, B, C and D identified suitable
for persons with disabilities was prepared which was subsequently accepted
by the Central Government and published dated 29th of July, 2013. This
gazette is still under revision since the Rights of Persons with
Disabilities Act, 2016 was passed in the year 2017. The new law expanded
the scope of disabilities as well as allowed for more reserved seats in
education and employment for persons with benchmark disabilities. Link to
the gazette currently being followed:

This survey is a part of a study which is being conducted to test the
assumptions and approach of the said gazette. An analysis of the data
collected in this study would be presented to the government for it to
draft an inclusive policy for employment of persons with disabilities. Such
analysis of data could also be utilized by the surveyor in writing a report
to be published in media, including newspapers, magazines, journals and
other such online and offline platforms. However, to the extent possible,
it would be avoided to publish or quote a singular response in any such

Instructions, Requests and Disclosures:

1. Please fill this questionnaire if and only if you are a citizen of India
and self-identify yourself as a person with disability. It is sufficient if
you self-identify yourself as a person with disability. You need NOT
necessarily have a Medical (Disability) Certificate issued by a Government
Hospital for the purpose of this study.

2. In case you have two Medical (Disability) Certificates with different
disabilities, you are requested to fill and submit this questionnaire
twice. However, in case both the Certificates mention the same
disabilities, please fill and submit the questionnaire only once.

3. The responses are anonymous. There are questions on your citizenship,
age, academic qualification, employment and disability. However, these
questions do not help the surveyor to identify a response as a response
from a particular person.

4. An honest, precise and detailed response from your end shall be of great
help for us to recommend changes in the government policies regarding
recruitment of persons with disabilities. So, please be as correct while
responding to the questionnaire as possible.

5. The surveyor admits that there are questions about disabilities which do
not include all kinds of disabilities in the options. However, each one of
them would have an ‘Other’ option with space to write your disabilities.
So, in case your disabilities are not listed among the options for any
question, please check/mark ‘Other’ and mention your disabilities in the
given space. Otherwise, please utilize the space in Questions 23 and 24 to
mention more regarding your disabilities.

6. In case you have any queries or grievances regarding any question asked
or need assistance of any kind in filling the questionnaire, please write
to the surveyor at anujgoyal.s...@gmail.com. The surveyor shall revert to
you at the earliest possible. However, please be informed that, if you
choose to contact the surveyor, your identity might be disclosed to the
surveyor. Even in such a scenario, however, the surveyor shall not disclose
your response to anyone.
*Take 10 minutes to share your viewpoint / experiences here  *
* https://forms.gle/LhLsTCcRXGjUBrXV8 <https://forms.gle/LhLsTCcRXGjUBrXV8>*

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