On 9/8/21, dr. Pratap Bisht <pratap....@gmail.com> wrote:
> G3ict-A2J-Courts-Survey-results-XT.pdf
> Technology &
> Access to
> Justice for
> Persons with
> Disabilities
> Survey Purpose & Methodology
> Article 13 of the UN CRPD requires that States Parties ensure
> effective access to justice for persons with disabilities on an equal
> basis with others
> As part of its global initiative, in September-December 2019, G3ict
> partnered with International Association of Court Administrators
> (IACA) to survey its
> members as well as other specialists working in or with courts about
> technology and access to justice
> Courts and justice systems worldwide are undergoing digital
> transformations. It is not clear that their technology roadmaps
> include a commitment to ensuring
> access to justice for persons with disabilities
> In order to promote greater progress on CRPD Article 13, G3ict has
> launched a global Access to Justice and Technology initiative
> Key Findings:
> Courts worldwide are investing in technology
> 67% of courts deploy mainstream technologies for internal and/or public use
> Primary reasons for technology deployment are to increase efficiency,
> increase access to justice and save costs
> 60% of courts have budget allocated for digitization, but less than
> 10% specifically allocate budget to funding for ICT accessibility and
> digital inclusion
> of PWDs
> 75% of courts deploy digital documents and digital case management,
> over 50% of them deploy digital payments and procedures and provide
> remote access to
> data
> Key Findings: Courts lack focus on
> accessibility and inclusion
> In 48% of cases courts do not or only partially meet the requests for
> accommodation from PWDs
> Major obstacles to achieving more accessible technology and greater
> inclusion of PWDs in the courts are insufficient financial resources,
> lack of awareness
> about disability and lack of knowledge of accessible technologies
> 5
> Around 40% of courts provide technologies and solutions to support
> digital inclusion of PWDs in comparison with almost 75% of courts that
> ensure physical
> accessibility of their premises
> 38% of courts provide low or very low level of accessibility and
> inclusiveness of the technology deployment for PWDs
> Survey Participants
> 76 respondents
> from 29
> countries
> list of 29 items
> Albania
> Australia
> Austria
> Bhutan
> Brazil
> Croatia
> Finland
> France
> Gambia
> Germany
> India
> Indonesia
> Jamaica
> Kazakhstan
> Kenya
> Latvia
> Malawi
> Nepal
> Netherlands
> New Zealand
> Nigeria
> North Macedonia
> Russia
> Rwanda
> Spain
> Ukraine
> United Arab Emirates
> United Kingdom
> United States
> list end
> Diverse Respondents
> Others working with courts, e.g. diplomats, human rights activists, IT
> specialists, architects, project managers, etc.
> Answer choices:
> Official of a Ministry of Justice 2.63%
> Official at Court 30.26%
> Prosecutor 1.32%
> Judge 10.53%
> Professor 10.53%
> Student 1.32%
> Other (please specify) 44.74%
> Total responses 76
> Courts and Digital
> Transformation
> Courts worldwide are
> becoming smarter
> To what extent is
> technology being
> deployed in courts?
> Answer choices:
> No deployment or almost no deployment of technology 6.58%Limited
> deployment of mainstream technologies (e.g. websites, mobile apps,
> digital documents)
> primarily for internal use 32.89%
> Broad deployment of mainstream technologies (e.g. websites, mobile
> apps, digital documents), both for internal use and public use 34.21%
> Extensive deployment of mainstream technologies for internal and
> public use. Exploring use of leading-edge technologies and smart
> solutions (e.g. artificial
> intelligence, online dispute resolution) 19.74%
> Extensive deployment of both mainstream and leading-edge technologies
> delivering measurable impact and value 6.58%
> Total responses 76
> Most courts have budget to
> deploy technology
> Do courts have an annual budget allocated to digitization and the
> deployment of technology?
> Answer choices:
> Yes 59.21%
> No 17.11%
> Not sure 23.68%
> Total responses 76
> Courts want to be more
> efficient and more accessible
> What are the primary reasons for deploying technology in courts?
> Answer choices:
> Cost savings 47.37%
> Increase efficiencies 78.95%
> Legal mandate 4.47%
> Environmental sustainability 3.95%
> Increase access to justice 52.63%
> Collect and use data 26.32%
> Provide better user experience 18.42%
> Increase transparency 18.42%
> Other (please specify) 5.26%
> Total responses 76
> Courts are using tech to
> support core processes
> Which technologies are currently deployed in the courts?
> Answer choices:
> Digital documents to replace paper 75.00%
> Digital case management (system to track hearings, dispositions, etc.)
> 75.00%
> Digital payments (web, mobile, kiosks to pay fines and fees, etc.) 59.21%
> Digitalization of procedures (filling in forms, requesting services,
> etc.) 57.89%
> Electronic scheduling (e-scheduling) 47.37%
> Remote access to data (online legal documents, case bundles, case
> libraries, up-to-date hearing schedules) 56.58%
> Remote court appearances (e.g. video-enabled trial hearings) 42.11%
> Online Dispute Resolution (e.g. mechanisms of alternative dispute
> resolution online) 17.11%
> No technology is being deployed currently 0.00%
> Other (please specify) 6.58%
> Total responses 76
> Courts and
> Accessibility
> Most courts know they have
> international commitments
> Are you aware of the UN CRPD, defining rights related to access to
> justice for persons with disabilities?
> Answer choices:
> Yes 60.27%
> No 35.62%
> Not sure 4.11%
> Total responses 73
> Court technologies are not
> accessible
> How would you rate the accessibility & inclusiveness of technology
> deployments for persons with disabilities?
> Answer choices:
> Very low 16.44%
> Low 21.92%
> Moderate 45.21%
> High 15.07%
> Very high 1.37%
> Total responses 73
> Courts are failing persons with
> disabilities
> How often are requests for accommodation from persons with
> disabilities accepted and effectively applied courts?
> Answer choices:
> Never or almost never 24.66%
> 25% of time 23.29%
> 50% of time 16.44%
> 75% of time 12.33%
> Always or almost always 23.29%
> Total responses 73
> Courts are better at
> physical accessibility
> than digital
> list of 1 items
> Which technologies and procedures are available to support
> accessibility and inclusion of persons with disabilities?
> list end
> Answer choices:
> Physical accessibility (built environment, e.g. ramps) 74.60%
> Communication aids and services for persons with disabilities (e.g.
> visual, speech, hearing) 41.27%
> On site sign language interpretation 28.57%
> Remote video sign language interpretation 11.11%
> Captioned and/or audio described video 14.29%
> Documents in alternative formats (e.g. braille, easy-to-read format) 12.70%
> Documents in accessible formats (formatted for use with a screen reader)
> 17.46%
> Accessible websites, online portals or kiosks 36.51%
> Accessible mobile apps 9.52%
> Tools that check web and document content for accessibility 4.76%
> Storage and accessing of information online (general information and
> case-specific-databases) 23.81%
> Websites, portals, platforms to provide information regarding measures
> available to and for persons with disabilities 22.22%
> Remote participation in court (e.g. via phone, video) 33.33%
> Provision of personal assistance for persons with disabilities 31.75%
> Publicly available, comprehensive and functional ICT accessibility
> policies 1.59%
> Specific protocols or procedures to address petitions of reasonable
> adjustments or accommodations 22.22%
> Mechanisms to test or collect feedback on how the measures in place
> are working for users with disabilities 0.00%
> No technologies to support accessibility are available currently 0.00%
> Other (please specify) 12.70%
> Total responses 63
> Courts may not be budgeting
> for digital inclusion
> Do the courts have an annual budget for ICT accessibility and digital
> inclusion of persons with disabilities?
> Answer choices:
> Yes 9.52%
> No 42.86%
> Not sure 47.62%
> Total responses 63
> Courts need help to be more
> accessible and inclusive
> What are the obstacles to achieving greater inclusion of persons with
> disabilities in courts?
> Answer choices:
> Insufficient financial resources 58.73%
> Lack of awareness about disability 53.97%
> Lack of knowledge of accessible technology 52.38%
> Insufficient commitment to diversity and inclusion 36.51%
> No strategy for digital inclusion 34.92%
> Organizational culture is not supportive 23.81%
> Ineffective organizational processes (e.g. procurement) 12.70%
> Lack of engaged leadership 25.40%
> No business rationale for inclusion and accessibility 14.29%
> Other (please specify) 7.94%
> Total responses 63
> Most courts can use
> procurement to be more
> accessible and inclusive
> How are accessibility and digital inclusion for persons with
> disabilities considered when purchasing technology in courts?
> Answer choices:
> The procurement department and officials have limited awareness of ICT
> accessibility and digital inclusion. They include it as part of the
> procurement
> process only infrequently and in very general terms 57.14%
> The procurement department and officials use defined ICT accessibility
> and digital inclusion criteria and incorporate them in the procurement
> process.
> However, the criteria are applied inconsistently to technology
> products, services, and subcontractors 25.40%
> The procurement department and officials consistently require ICT
> accessibility and digital inclusion in the procurement process 7.94%
> In making buying decisions, the procurement department and officials
> give preference to the most accessible ICTs that support clear digital
> inclusion outcomes.
> They regularly assess whether the accessibility of products and
> services purchased is improving 7.94%
> The procurement department and officials prevent the purchase of
> inaccessible technology products or services and use metrics to ensure
> technology deployments
> meet the needs of all people 1.59%
> Total responses 63
> 0%
> 10%
> 20%
> 30%
> 40%
> 50%
> 60%
> There is limitedawareness of ICTaccessibility anddigital
> inclusionamong procurementand officials
> Procurement andofficials use definedICT accessibility anddigital
> inclusioncriteria
> ICT accessibility anddigital inclusion arerequired in theprocurementprocess
> In making buyingdecision, thepreference is gien tothe most accessbleICTs
> Procurement andofficials preventpurchase ofinaccessibletechnology
> Court professionals see
> technology as a key to access to
> justice
> To what extent do you agree with the following statements?
> Answer choices:
> Technology could be used to improve access to justice for persons with
> disabilities: Strongly disagree 11.11%, disagree 0%, neutral 0%, agree
> 23.81%, strongly
> agree 65.08%
> Professionals working at courts and within the field of justice would
> benefit from training on disability and accessible technology:
> Strongly disagree
> 11.11%, disagree 0%, neutral 4.76%, agree 30.16%, strongly agree 53.97%
> I would be willing to use technology to increase access to justice for
> persons with disabilities in the court/s where I do work: Strongly
> disagree 9.52%,
> disagree 0%, neutral 6.35%, agree 20.63%, strongly agree 63.49%
> Total responses 63
> Contact information
> list of 7 items
> James Thurston
> G3ict –The Global Initiative for Inclusive ICTs
> Vice President for Global Strategy & Development
> jthurs...@g3ict.org
> @jamesthu
> www.g3ict.org
> www.buyict4all.org
> list end
> James Thurston is smiling. He is standing in front of a building,
> dressed in blue shirt.
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> DR Pratap Singh Bist

DR Pratap Singh Bist

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