I wonder who wrote this article. it would be, kind of, aggressive, arrogant 
and completely over siting one's own limitations. personally, I am not this 
sort of a person and thus, my perception of the situation would differ. but 
none the same it made some good reading and fed me with another way to look 
at things. perhaps its suitable for the author but it still cant be 
generalized. hmmmm! or such is what I think.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Subramani L" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <accessindia@accessindia.org.in>
Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2008 11:49 AM
Subject: [AI] To hell with disability

> [SCI-India] Digest Number 1062
> "Navin Gulia"
> Tue Mar 4, 2008 1:22 am (PST)
> To hell with disability
> I remember I started running every morning and playing football when I
> was in 3rd grade, boxing when I was in 7th grade and athletics when I
> was in 9th
> grade. Running in the morning mist, chill, biting cold of peak winters
> or running through the countryside in scorching sun or in the pouring
> rain or running
> up a mountain, I loved it, I cherished it, I savoured it.
> One fine day I was trying to inch my wheelchair along the hospital
> corridor smelling of dettol and phenyl. Partially working hands, aching
> muscles, hurting
> thumb, it was only a task/job. I didn't dislike it. My wheelchair and me
> are buddies, I have loved being in it. Together we took on the world and
> everything
> it had to offer. If a person on two legs passes by I really don't Gape
> at him but when I go in a crowd a few poor leggies gape as if they are
> just witnessing
> an alien invasion of planet earth (not that aliens would really surprise
> me) and I do pray that God should give these poor people some excitement
> in their
> lives so that they have something better to gape at.
> People have two legs and cannot even maintain any decent physical
> fitness are bothered about a guy flying around in a wheelchair, having a
> ball of a time.
> Laughable.
> At 22 I was in the army. In a wheelchair I went to college, flirted with
> girls, fell in love a few times, had a few heartbreaks, jobs, bread and
> butter,
> adventure sports. A few mountains to climb, a few oceans to swim and a
> few jungles and deserts to explore. how the hell could life have been
> any better.
> A lot of people, patients, doctors and scientists, are obsessed with
> finding a cure for SCI (Spinal Cord Injuries). I don't know, I find it a
> very dumb
> and dull topic. Here the world and people are suffering from extremism,
> terrorism, frustrationism, emptyism, depressionism, purposelessism etc
> and here
> we are bothered about a certain physical injury called SCI. I think
> people should desperately need a cure from many other things and
> attitudes before even
> bothering about a cure for SCI.
> If you/society wants me to be weak so that they can empathise with me,
> sympathise with me, pityise with me, sorry you are at the wrong place, I
> am not going
> to oblige. If you/the society is looking for an opportunity to show
> empathy, sympathy or pity, so that you can feel great inside, to hell
> with you. I show
> you empathy, sympathy and pity.
> A drunk person who was finding it difficult to walk straight said to me
> sometime back 'I will pray for you' and I immediately said 'and I will
> pray for
> you (that God gives you some sense)'. Although I know God doesn't give
> you anything. He has already given you the ability to be sensible, If
> you still
> choose not to be sensible, he is not to blame. I am rude, I am straight,
> I am a bully, I would love to get in the middle of a bunch of sleeping
> Lions and
> kick the air out of them. A friend for friends and a tearing tiger for
> those who ask for it, that's me. Now that we are over with the
> introduction, let
> us talk business. "I am not decent/ gentlemanly with problems/obstacles
> in my life. I kick them out of my way."
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