Detective camera developed

Mar. 09

An Oxfordshire-based company has claimed to have developed a camera that can 
see through people's clothing at a distance of up to 80 feet and help detect
weapons, drugs and explosives.

'The Sunday Times' reported in London,the new technology, has been  developed 
by ThruVision, spun out from the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, one of the
British government's leading physics research centres.

Although the camera can see objects under clothes, its designers say the images 
do not show anatomical details, the report said. The camera, known as the
T5000 system, could be deployed in railway stations, shopping centres and other 
public spaces to abort terrorist attacks and it has attracted interest
from police forces, train companies and airport operations as well as 
government agencies.
It was designed for use in spacecraft and astronomy but researchers soon 
realised that cameras capable of seeing through clouds of cosmic dust could also
see through clothing.

Rahul Gambhir

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